More on the bailout

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rock Hardson, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. Just 14 dollars an hour? I now make more than that, but it took years.
    And I work hard for it. I know a lot of people that work for less than
    that, too.

    There's no doubt in my mind that Rock Hardson is a UAW shill.

    Sir Charles the Curmudgeon
    CharlesTheCurmudgeon, Dec 20, 2008
  2. Rock Hardson

    Mike Marlow Guest

    It's too bad you are not half as smart as you are prolific. You can
    certainly spout, but man, you make an ass of yourself every time you do.
    Mike Marlow, Dec 21, 2008
  3. Rock Hardson

    Art Guest

    Unfortunately the bigger problem is the pension owed retired workers.
    Toyota and Honda don't have similar cost issues.
    Art, Dec 21, 2008
  4. Rock Hardson

    Rock Hardson Guest

    It is not my fault that GM has been stupid for decades and in a slow
    death spiral.

    And its not my fault that you were born, but what does that have to do with

    I am merely an observer and I have known for years what mistakes
    management of GM is making.
    By the same token it surely is not my doing nor wish coming true now
    that GM is dead.

    In looking at your post your propaganda goes back what seems like forever
    for the hatred of the US industry.

    GM has been making crappy products for ages and have been able to turn
    the tide for years but now it is too late.
    If anyone believes it has anything to do with my they give me more
    credit than it is due to me.
    I could have saved GM many times over a long time ago.
    I still could given the means but I do not see anyone asking me to do
    I could not care less actually I just find it amusing to watch this
    happening as predicted.
    The stupid management of GM met the most stupid president in history
    and got him to give out taxpayers money.
    How stupid does that make the general public I am sure you have worked
    out by now and that is why you are so angry.

    Gosi in looking at your posts here many of your comments have no credibility
    whatsover. It just amazes me how you claim you can see the future of
    American industry failure, yet you can't see the repercussions. Yet you also
    say it is amusing.
    Rock Hardson, Dec 21, 2008
  5. Rock Hardson

    Rock Hardson Guest

    Sir Charles simply can't believe or understand that a regular American with
    no relationship to the union whatsover simply has an interest in the common
    Joe. Selfish lives can corrupt the mind.
    Rock Hardson, Dec 21, 2008
  6. Rock Hardson

    Dioclese Guest

    That's up to the fickle and uneducated/behind the times consumer's
    perceptions. Ford, right now, should be educating its consumers about its
    current products and future plans versus the typical consumer perceptions of
    that. Consumers won't go to the dealership until that changes more.

    2008 Focus , 5 spd no frills coupe- to date per fillup - 33 mpg low - 39 mpg

    How much CO footprint to remove and transport basic materials for batteries
    and to manufacture the batteries for the Ford Fusion and any other hybrid?
    Dioclese, Dec 21, 2008
  7. Rock Hardson

    rantonrave Guest

    The Japanese may have embraced it 50 years ago, but they continued to
    have horrible quality
    (can you say 'Toyopet'?) for another 25 years. It's also a myth that
    Japanese car makers universally have better quality because when
    Toyota, Honda, and Subaru are excluded, their quality falls to being
    only par with ours.

    What's been more important to Japanese success is the culture of
    engineers versus our culture of business majors. This is especially
    true because development of new products never makes sense from a
    financial standpoint. Business majors understand this, but engineers
    fortunately don't.
    rantonrave, Dec 21, 2008
  8. Rock Hardson

    rantonrave Guest

    So why can't we honestly say all of them beat the foreign brands, as
    was once could?
    rantonrave, Dec 21, 2008
  9. Rock Hardson

    Jim Higgins Guest

    "...when Toyota, Honda, and Subaru are excluded, their quality falls
    to being
    only par with ours."

    By your own admission Toyota and Honda's quality is superior to
    Detroit's. Congratulations on finally coming around to that
    conclusion, there is hope for you yet :)
    Jim Higgins, Dec 21, 2008
  10. I have seen the Consumer Reports Survey which shows that Toyota and
    Honda are far more reliable than anything made by the "Big Three".
    (Hard to call them the Big Three when Chrysler ranks fifth in sales.)
    That's nice, if questionably true. But GM and Ford would already be
    in liquidation if it had to rely on those cars. The only thing that
    has kept them floating over the last decade has been the 10-12 mpg
    dinosaurs that are on the brink of extinction.

    GM just put a hold on the factory which was supposed to build the
    vaporware Volt. What does that say?
    Gordon McGrew, Dec 21, 2008
  11. Toyota is outselling Ford in the US.
    Honda is outselling Chrysler in the US.
    Toyota is outselling GM worldwide and threatening them in the US.
    Honda is closing in on Ford.
    At least two of the Big Three need a government handout or they will
    be dead within a month or so.
    If those SUVs were such success, why have the Big Three been steadily
    losing market share for the past three decades?
    Gordon McGrew, Dec 21, 2008
  12. But no SUV driver has ever been even slightly injured when he backed
    over his kid in the driveway.
    Gordon McGrew, Dec 21, 2008
  13. Rock Hardson

    Dioclese Guest

    To my amazement and dismay, U.S. is intentionally printing 9 trillion
    dollars. The purpose of which is to create counter deflation they say.
    This may result in hyper-inflation. Making the U.S. dollar worthless.
    Under that situation, anything imported will be prohibitively expensive,
    and, our exports cheap.

    In that same scenario locally, anyone who has accumulated any form of
    savings or retirement funds will see it dwindle further in locally much
    higher costs of inflation. Which also includes any form of oil and its

    This will also increase the U.S. budget deficit significantly other than the
    said money printed. It will help create a more significant share of world
    export trade, but the cost will be significantly higher. Wages won't be
    able to keep up. Its hard to digest, I know. But, it must be stopped as
    the problems created far outweigh any anticipated results.
    Dioclese, Dec 22, 2008
  14. Rock Hardson

    me Guest

    As you can tell, MH has the same kind of pig headed thinking that has
    made GM the business success it is today.
    me, Dec 22, 2008
  15. Rock Hardson

    Mark Guest

    Congrats on the bailout, now they can afford new deck chairs and
    toilet seats for the Titanic. Hopefully your name will be on a toilet
    seat "donated by" plaque.
    Mark, Dec 22, 2008
  16. Rock Hardson

    Derek Gee Guest

    Where did you get the idea that Subaru's are some model of reliability? In
    the 2008 JD Power Vehicle Dependability Study, they rank well below the
    industry average. (Just ahead of Chrysler and Dodge!) Of the Japanese
    makes, only Toyota, Honda, and Mitsubishi are above the industry average.
    US makes scoring exceptionally well on the same survey are Mercury,
    Cadillac, Buick, and Lincoln. (Mercury and Cadillac are both scoring higher
    than Toyota, Acura, and Honda!!!)

    Derek Gee, Dec 23, 2008
  17. You can talk all day long about the quality of American cars, but some US
    American citizens are hell bent on seeing this whole country go down the
    tubes beginning with the big industry and US auto manufactures. I can't
    figure out where this self sabotage mentality comes from but it can be very
    dangerous to our society.
    A Plumbers Helper Named Joe, Dec 26, 2008
  18. They should have thought of that before NAFTA and lopsided import/export
    trade agreements.
    A Plumbers Helper Named Joe, Dec 26, 2008
  19. Dear Derek,

    Maybe you should pay attention to your stepsister Casey. American citizens
    vote with their dollars, every time they purchase something. They perceive
    that the Detroit 3 do not really give a damn about them and have not for a
    long time. Even their commercials still tend to sell the sizzle instead of
    the steak, although some Toyota commercials tend to be headed that way, too.
    But Toyota has established a fairly good reputaion for quality as far back
    as 1965 (not 1975 as you seem to think) and Americans are tired of cars that
    have to be in the shop as often as their 1930's counterparts for minor, non
    scheduled repairs, and rust! I owned a 1995 Chevy S-10 and I had points of
    rust on it in the first year, which the dealer refused to do anything about!
    I currently own a 1995 Toyota Corolla that still doesn't have any rust on

    Wake up and smell the coffee. America LOSES when we do less than our best,
    and we've been doing that since the 1960's. When you're number one and you
    think that you can do no wrong, the next step is DOWN. Look at K-mart. #1
    Discount Retailer in 1980. Who's number one now? Yep, a southern-based
    retailer that K-mart didn't see as any kind of threat, because K-mart
    thought #1 was theirs by some sort of divine right. Samething with GM, Ford
    and Crapsler.

    Sir Charles the Curmudgeon
    CharlesTheCurmudgeon, Dec 26, 2008
  20. Rock Hardson

    Jeff Guest

    Neither do the foreign owned companies. They are only concerned with
    their own bottom line.
    Gee, I own a 1997 Contour. It rarely needed non-scheduled repairs. And
    those were expected wear and tear items. I haven't had any problems at
    all with my new 2008 Focus - only thing needed was an oil change in
    the first 6k. I haven't heard of rust problems on any cars for over 10
    Why didn't you contact the factory representative?
    Actually, Ford has done a lot to improve quality and their lineup of
    cars. I never knew there was a car called crapsler. Usually when one
    has to do name-calling to make a point, the point is not worth

    Jeff, Dec 26, 2008
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