More on the bailout

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rock Hardson, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. What dismal performance? Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that they
    would be out of business by now if the US government weren't bailing
    them out.
    Gordon McGrew, Jan 3, 2009
  2. But GM still sells more cars than Toyota!
    But GM still sells more cars in the US than Toyota!
    But GM still sells more cars that get over 30 MPG than Toyota!
    But GM still sells more V6s and V8s than Toyota!
    norm_de_plume, Jan 3, 2009
  3. That's proof enough of British and Italian car companies still being
    better than the Japanese!
    norm_de_plume, Jan 3, 2009
  4. That's proof enough of British and Italian car companies still being
    better than the Japanese!
    norm_de_plume, Jan 3, 2009
    norm_de_plume, Jan 3, 2009
  6. Rock Hardson

    me Guest

    They are losing money hand over first. That, in the business world,
    would be dismal performance.

    Perhaps in bizzaro world where you live businesses are supposed to
    lose money year after year. In the real world that's considered a
    negative characteristic.
    me, Jan 3, 2009
  7. Rock Hardson

    me Guest

    Still flip-flopping, eh?
    me, Jan 3, 2009
  8. Rock Hardson

    Ribeye Guest

    Have you been comatose since 1945?
    Or are you just really really stupid?
    Ribeye, Jan 12, 2009
  9. Just like the idiots at my first job, that used to say I was un-American
    because I bought one of them 'furrin' cars.

    The traitors are not people like me. Bill Clinton, now he's a traitor.

    Rock Hardson's an easy target to pick off. He probably is union and a
    Liberal Democrat on top of that.

    I keep asking the same question and no one seems to know the answer.

    Didn't we win WW2? Then why am I driving a Japanese car and typing on a
    Japanese laptop (assembled in China.)? How did we get to the Moon? I
    don't think the Chinese helped us much there, either. Why has our industry
    given up in large part? Why do we not wish to excel?

    I would love to be able to buy a Chevy again, but I can't afford a car that
    wants to be in the shop all the time. My last Chevy (1995) was a real shop
    queen, and the shop wouldn't fix it. And things started rusting before the
    first year was up. My current life won't tolerate that.

    Sir Charles the Curmudgeon
    CharlesTheCurmudgeon, Jan 12, 2009
  10. Rock Hardson

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Chevrolet no longer sell 1995 models. Just like the imports do not sell
    the crappie cars they sold years ago.

    Every manufacturer today is selling great long lasting vehicles that can
    easily be run up to 150,000 miles or more trouble free, if given the proper
    preventive maintenance. The only real difference we found among them in my
    fleet service business is style and price.
    Mike Hunter, Jan 12, 2009
  11. I've heard of Barracudas and Mako Sharks, but never a Crappie. Who
    made it?
    But the typical vintage of a car hitting 150K today is 1995 or maybe a
    little newer. If you are conceding that 1995 GM cars were crappy, how
    would you know that the 2009 are good for 150K?
    Yadda yadda. The question to you, Mike, is: Should we give taxpayer
    money to GM, Ford and Chrysler?
    Gordon McGrew, Jan 15, 2009
  12. That's one of the reasons I finally ploinked Mike. I'm not listening
    because he keeps repeating the same old stuff over and over again. My
    experience is 'not valid'. He's as much as called me a hillbilly. He also
    thinks every red-blooded American ought to lust after a full sized American
    Land Yacht, and actually feels pity for anyone who 'can't afford one'. He
    thinks he's smart, but he's not as smart as Henry Ford.

    Sir Charles of Curmudgeon
    CharlesTheCurmudgeon, Jan 15, 2009
  13. Rock Hardson

    me Guest

    First the female crappie lays some eggs on the river or lake bottom.
    Then the male crappie fertilizes the eggs. Months later they hatch and
    a whole school of crappies is born. Soon they grow to become full
    sized fish. Some like to fish for them; others consider them a
    nuisance fish.
    Of course you should: his pension and health benefits are at stake.
    me, Jan 15, 2009
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