MORE than expensive - outrageous!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by expensive, Jul 31, 2003.

  1. expensive

    expensive Guest

    Thank you.

    That's still too much as far as I'm concerned. Halve that and I'm
    still sore but not so much that I'd complain.
    expensive, Aug 1, 2003
  2. expensive

    D. Martin Guest

    Even if the car has only 110,00 miles it stll is 22 years. Some parts
    will need replacing even with the low mileage.

    I feel like I'm explaining this to my cat. God said forgive them they
    do not know any better.

    D. Martin, Aug 1, 2003
  3. expensive

    John D. Guest


    I am doing that now from a guy in Nevada...he has some stock 1200
    parts. Lots of 1200 owners here (and just about all of them in
    Australia) throw out the stock parts to put in other stuff...for
    racing mods. Trying to keep a car stock seems to be harder to do.

    But I will admit, I have not at all exhausted the auto salvage yards,
    even locally. Still, the fact that the car is so old and yard owners
    often shred the older cars, I doubt I'll find on there. LOTS of Datsun
    Z Cars, though!

    I will continue to look for a good parts car.


    John D.
    John D., Aug 1, 2003
  4. expensive

    D. Martin Guest

    That's it I just went out and set fire to my 2002 Accord. Saw my
    neighbour do the same this thread is really working.
    D. Martin, Aug 1, 2003
  5. I only read a couple of the many posted responses. I'll add my two cents.
    I believe you left out some very important information. I believe you
    failed to mention the amount of time spent by the mechanic hooking up the
    computerized testing equipment and disconnecting it. You paid for his time
    used to figure out what was wrong with your car. You also paid for his
    time in removing the old part and replacing the new part. If you check
    your bill very carefully--you will see that most of the charges on the
    bill were related to labor. If I am wrong about some of these
    statements--I apologize. I suppose that it is possible that the part
    actually did cost $193 but I doubt it.
    Bill B. Johnson, Aug 1, 2003
  6. expensive

    expensive Guest

    Okay, before anyone kills me for posting binaries here, it was a

    I got the first one, the biggest one,

    - gizmo_a.jpg (1/1) pictures for

    posted to

    alt binaries.test.

    But the other two showed up here. Fortunately they were the smaller

    I know that this isn't a binaries group, so please forgive me.
    expensive, Aug 1, 2003
  7. expensive

    Larry Guest

    Go price auto glass for older cars.....its more costly for 20-40 year old
    cars than the newer ones in production as there are fewer of them on the
    road, the glass becomes more expensive, as they can't spread the cost over
    many many units. Auto parts are the same thing.....there aren't near as
    many 81 Civics on the road as there might be 91 or 01 Civics. Companies do
    not look at the profitability of spreading the cost around.....they look at
    he profitability of having to support each unit. If this part were no
    longer made, you'd gladly pay your $193 to obtain get your
    car running again. Its your can spend it where you want.....but
    don't blame Honda for this.....its pure and simple economics of scale.
    Larry, Aug 1, 2003
  8. expensive

    expensive Guest

    The part alone is $193 at the Honda dealer's parts counter.
    expensive, Aug 1, 2003
  9. expensive

    expensive Guest

    I have already conceded that age has SOME bearing on the matter. But
    the condition of the running gear and the fact that the car is well
    maintained makes mileage a better determinant of the condition of the
    car in this case.

    The igniter is not one of those parts that's prone to wear and tear or
    deterioration over the years. It's one of those run or don't run
    and it should last the lifetime of the car.
    expensive, Aug 1, 2003
  10. expensive

    expensive Guest

    Yes, if the part were no longer made I would have had to do something
    else. But the part IS available and I was ripped off for it IMHO.

    As for economies of scale, I am accustomed to seeing that as something
    enjoyed by the entire firm, i.e. on the macro scale, rather than an
    analysis directed at one part only, unless the part is the only one
    they make or a major part of production.

    The Honda parts department is full of parts and whatever the costs are
    that put them there and keep them there are amortized over all of the
    parts in inventory. So the cost per item beyond manufacturing cost is
    spread across numerous items.

    Sure, the dealer could say that they sell too few of an item to stock
    it anymore, but could they call themselves a proper parts department
    without it? It's a bit like a grocery store. Probably 25% of the
    items in the store account for 90% of their receipts. But, if they
    decided to get rid of the other 75% of stock and replace it with more
    of what they sell the most of, would they still be a grocery store?
    The store I go to doesn't sell too many jars of jalapino stuffed
    olives, but they need to carry a few jars in order to call themselves a
    grocery store, and carry some other obscure items as well. Otherwise,
    they would just be an o'sized convenience store.

    So you'd thing that the owner or manager of the dealership would be
    aware of the high priced stuff and realize that someone might get a bit
    miffed at having to pay $193 for a $27 part, miffed enough to turn
    against the dealership. It's bad business.
    expensive, Aug 1, 2003
  11. expensive

    Larry Guest

    You seem to forget that it is the manufacturer that controls the price of
    the product....not the dealership.....and sometimes the dealership doesn't
    even stock the item...they order it from the factory warehouse. Their
    markup on the product isn't all that much either. The dealer's cost on this
    item is probably around $150 or so. One thing I failed to mention......your
    so-called $27 part was made to live in an environment of heat, moisture,
    dirt, and other corrosive elements. This part was designed to be much more
    sturdy than any electronic item put into a laptop computer. I remember
    having to buy a new coil in 1981 for my 1980 Honda Accord that I owned then.
    As I recall, the price of that part, then was about $50 and a mechanic
    friend charged me $15 labor to install it. Your idea of pricing is fixated
    back to the 70's and 80's where costs of things have changed immensely. And
    your analogy of how a grocery store stocks items is totally off. You can't
    compare apples and oranges as is the case here.
    Larry, Aug 1, 2003
  12. expensive

    expensive Guest

    Someone else here looked up the price at another dealership and it was
    $40 cheaper.
    That wasn't the case. In a worst case scenario, I would have had to
    park the car at the shop o'nite. Again, that wasn't the case, and I
    felt compelled to spring for the part because the mechanic had already
    done the job except for replacing the part.
    I can't account for the relationship between the dealer and the
    manufacturer, not the cost structure.
    They did this by inserting the electronics into the unit and then
    filling the cavity with resin. See the picture called "gizmo" I posted
    in alt.binaries.test for a picture of the inside after I removed the
    "Totally off?" Where do you get that? You can't see the parallel
    between stocking some obscure auto parts and the stocking of obscure
    grocery items? Pretty clear to me. If they just had headlights and
    spark plugs, could they call themselves a parts department? No. They
    need to have SOME slow-moving parts, they can't all be fast movers.
    Just like the grocery store with gourmet items. They need to have
    those in order to call it a grocery store. That's not "totally off."
    It's not "partially off," "moderately off," or even "slightly off."
    It's "right on."

    Just because I have an '81 Honda doesn't mean I'm living in the '70's
    or '80's. The 1999 notebook computer I use doesn't mean I live in the
    90's. I think that the 2003 bread machine I bought means I live just
    as far into the new millennium as you do.
    expensive, Aug 1, 2003
  13. expensive

    EdRuscha Guest

    1) I just bought a 2003 Ford and now I am thinking I should have bought a
    Honda, considering yours lasted 22 years and you are whining about $193!!!
    If anything, your intended aim (to convince prospective buyers not to choose
    Honda) has only made me realize that the cliche that Hondas are reliable,
    is, in fact, pretty darn true.

    2) If you told the salesperson that you were outraged to have to pay $193
    for a "$27 part," I can see how he might have thought that was humorous,
    although nonetheless it was rude for him to laugh at you. He should have
    saved it for his buddies. The part is not $27 or $19.30. The price is
    dictated by the market. Were you speaking to a new car salesperson or a
    parts salesperson (neither of whom has any control over changing the price
    of your so-called overpriced part.) Did you try speaking to the manager?
    The part was obviously worth the $193 price tag, because you paid it. You
    were not forced at gunpoint to purchase the part, but merely opted to do so
    after considering the prospects of not having a car (that apparently you use
    infrequently anyway).

    3) I understand being constrained by a fixed income and limited
    discretionary spending. Save $2000 and buy one of those new-fangled
    IBM-compatible (!) computers at Wal-mart instead of your fancy Apple

    4) When my last car (1997 Hyundai) kept breaking down, I got savvy and
    started calling parts places to find the cheapest part possible, rather than
    have to pay the dealership price. Perhaps you do not have a telephone, but
    it might be a wise investment. It could save you money in parts long-term.
    You quite clearly have access to the internet, and could have used your time
    to search for an available 1981 igniter on the internet. But you only use
    the internet to complain, rather than for productive, money-saving

    5) For all the time that you have wasted posting, you could have already
    made back the $193 you spent on the part through work at a minimum wage
    part-time job.

    6) Public transportation adds up. A monthly metro pass in NYC is $70. Add
    that up, and you will realize that your average expenditure on your '81
    Honda is a damn good deal.

    EdRuscha, Aug 1, 2003
  14. expensive

    Gus Guest

    Gus, Aug 1, 2003
  15. expensive

    expensive Guest

    Oh, geeze, my strategy backfired. I hope your dealer sends me a
    bird-dog fee when he sells you the car.

    But, you know, you have it boiled down to the positive of having lasted
    22 years and the negative of having to pay $193. Looks good on paper,
    but it ain't that simple. This is not something I had planned for.
    Once it happened a series of events took place and one of them was
    being jacked up for $193 for what appeared to be a part that should
    have been priced far less, IMO. I was faced with paying the $193 or
    walking away from a car that I needed. naturally, I did the only thing
    I could given the fact that I live alone - I paid their extortion, but
    not without deciding to give them some bad PR.
    No, I just beefed about the $193. I hadn't by then worked up any
    elaborate beef. $27 came along later on after some analysis.
    I doubt if market forces have much to do with the price of this part.
    If that were the case, then they would have realized that someone like
    me would come along and try to cost them customers over time. The part
    is there on my dashboard waiting to be the center of a Honda-bashing
    discussion. The price does not take that into consideration.
    Otherwise it would be priced far less than it is, perhaps something
    closer to manufacturing costs and reasonable markups.
    I was speaking to the sales manager for a GM/Honda dealership.
    Sorry, but walking away from the car is not an option. It's
    unreasonable for you to say that I could or should. I paid it because
    I had to, and I felt that it was extortion while it happened. That
    does not make the part worth $193. I think if it was twice that I
    would have had to pay it.
    The notebook was purchased for a job. When the job ended, I kept it
    for personal use. All on the up-and-up because it was my dot-com we're
    talking about. Otherwise, I would likely still be using an older Mac
    since I'm not really a power user for email and news. With all of the
    problems I've seen my friends have who use stuff from the Evil Empire,
    I would stop computing before buying of it. I could give up computing
    same as I gave up the telephone.
    I think that I have answered that many times during this thread. I was
    stuck, just off the hook, needing my car, so I hadda yield to the
    dealer's extortion.
    But getting back at Honda is a labor of love (hate). There's no wage
    analysis that accounts for that. Just think of what the Jews and Arabs
    could have done had they applied all of their troublemaking to positive
    things since the sons of Abraham quarreled.
    I have thought of this extensively. My analysis tells me that I can
    live for less without a car while using public transportation. Right
    now,because of where I live, the Honda makes sense. I just hope that I
    can get into a situation where I don't need a car before the Honda
    needs to be replaced.
    expensive, Aug 1, 2003
  16. expensive

    Max Guest

    You just continue to amuse me.

    You'd rather invent major conspiracy theories rather than accept reality.
    You made choices, and now you are pretending it was all decided for you and
    you are a poor victim. You enjoy that, being a "victim". I can understand
    that, you need someone to blame.

    You have choices. You did not have to buy the part,you did, you could have
    taken it to another mechanic, you did not, you could have just not repaired
    it and got rid of the car, you did not, you could have done many things, but
    you did not, you CHOSE to buy the part, you CHOSE to "not to tick off the
    mechanic", because to you it was WORTH IT to you to have your car fixed
    there and then. This is how economy works and you just JUSTIFIED the cost of
    the part buy BUYING it. You can say anything you want, but that WAS YOUR
    CHOICE and you took it. If it was too expensive, you would have chosen
    otherwise. You are not a baby, take some responsibility for your actions.

    Your only justification for the this "outragious" cost was an "analysis"
    (your word, not mine) that was so absurd, I had to forward it to my friends
    to share the laugh. And now you keep blatantly ignoring your own facts and
    keep clinging to this "victimhood" It's your business, but it sounds like a
    crappy way to live your life.

    Now you say that the part is not available any cheaper - well ask yourself
    why? Think hard. If someone can really make it for $27, as you claim, why
    aren't they? Why not start a business and sell them for $60 and make a 50%+
    profit??? Hell, you can sell it for $100 and still be at 1/2 the price of
    the dealer? Maybe you won't have to drive a 22 year old car anymore?

    And that "companies just write that off"??? What exactly does "writing it
    off" means? Just because you "write it off" does not mean money magically
    re-appears in your pocket. You still need to keep a margin high enough to
    stay in business and recoup the costs of operation??

    You still refuse to see that had it be any other maker, it would have been
    just the same (except much less likeley that it would have made it to 22
    years in the first place, but that is irrelevant)

    In short:

    Your analysis of the cost - bullshit
    You say you had no choice - bullshit
    You say honda ripped you off - bullshit
    You say age of a component does not affect it's probability of failure -
    well that's basic probability they teach in school - again bullshit.
    You say you just do not accept what anyone else say, well that's bullshit of
    a whole new veriety. You have no credibility for anything you say and
    whether you accept it or not, it won't change the facts

    Believe what you will. Whatever delusion makes you happy.

    Max, Aug 1, 2003
  17. expensive

    EdRuscha Guest

    You were faced with purchasing an expensive part from a dealership, or
    suffering through the inconvience and expense of not having a car while you
    search for more economical options for fixing your car. For a 22-year old
    car and a part that usually does not require repair, have you once
    considered the thought that you could be a very *lucky* person that this
    part is still manufactured for your car! And that you were fortunate enough
    to have the *option* to purchase this same part?
    Perhaps you may "cost" Honda customers. Personally, I doubt it. From
    reading the responses your post has generated, it appears that a majority of
    responders feel that $193 is a reasonable "unforeseen" expense over the
    22-year lifetime of a vehicle (and for a new part for a car that is 22 years
    old). Your conversation-piece igniter certainly makes for a funny story,
    partially at your indignant yet very earnest expense, but more suited for
    the no-longer extant tv comedy Seinfeld than as a smear campaign against
    Honda. In fact, this post could single-handedly achieve a monumental
    marketing campaign for the longevity of Honda cars (similar to the
    popularity of Junior Mints after their exposure in the afore-mentioned
    Regardless of how, when, where, or why, nonetheless you purchased the
    extremely expensive name-brand computer (and then bafflingly felt the need
    to use it as a paradigm of cost-effectiveness vis a vis your Honda part!).
    I sincerely hope that you are in such a position that you will no longer
    need an automobile (or even a scooter, for that matter) in your retirement
    years. Considering your extremely high expectations for your vehicles, I
    cannot think of a car manufacturer that will be able to meet them. I highly
    doubt that you will be able to eke another 22 years out of a car other than
    a Honda, without having to replace the entire car in parts by that time, but
    I certainly wish you the best of luck in trying.
    EdRuscha, Aug 1, 2003
  18. expensive

    John D. Guest

    You must never lived down here on the border!

    They steal ANYTHING here, and my car's had several attempts on it...I
    ran the last people off with my shotgun when I heard the alarm go off.
    They got away before I could kill them. No, I'm not kidding.

    Shots are fired down here way too often, usually by the Mexicans at
    our US Border Patrol, by the Mexican Army at the Border Patrol, but
    sometimes by the Mexican gangs crossing over and robbing American
    trains...when, that is, they aren't beating-up/robbing Americans who
    have the misfortune of having their cars break down near the river,
    steal their cars at local malls (especially around Christmas time when
    they have presents inside), or bandits assault/rob people on the
    annual pilgrimage/procession every Easter up Mount Cristo Rey. Yes, it
    still happens. The local C of C, of course, doesn't want that stuff
    told to tourists, they'd rather they be victims and just spend their
    money here.

    No, an old car is no guarantee down HERE it won't be stolen, not with
    our sorry in "Old Mexico" just a short drive over the bridge...or
    across the river. 500 cars a month go south...even the police over
    there -- local and federales -- proudly drive stolen American cars.

    So much for our "good neighbors to the south, eh?"

    John D.
    John D., Aug 1, 2003
  19. expensive

    John D. Guest

    Yes, all I need is a "few good cars" and I'll be set for life!

    When my ex and I got the car, we noticed "Nissan" clearly marked on
    two of the the windows but I didn't really know the connection at that

    Later on over the years, as I worked on the car, I found a few other
    parts marked Nissan, then the name change happened.

    John D.
    John D., Aug 1, 2003
  20. expensive

    expensive Guest

    Oh, I suppose, but not at the time. At the time I was shocked and
    angry that my pockets were being emptied by virtue of what looked to me
    to be a simple and inexpensive part. And the sales manager's reaction
    prompted a dark feeling in me that made me decide to retaliate by
    telling my story to others. The case where the part is no longer
    available is speculative and outside the bounds of my consideration.
    Had that been the only case, then the mechanic would have had a
    solution for me. I might not have liked it either, but it didn't
    happen so it's a moot point.
    If I cost the local dealer any sales or not is really up in the air.
    One future sale for sure it's cost them is mine. Anything beyond that
    is gravy. I wouldn't know about Seinfeld since it's not a program I
    watch. Same with Friends and a lot of other trash television.
    It was a neat paradigm. And I'm very pleased with my Mac and have been
    with the others I've had. I understand that it's politically correct
    to slam Mac's in this world of PC/Windows trash where the Evil Empire
    rules, but it rolls off me like water off a duck's back because it's
    just bad hype invented by Evil Empire types who have to justify the use
    of inferior equipment and an OS that's just a bad copy of an older
    version of the Mac OS.
    Thank you. I appreciate your empathy for me.
    Do you really think so? I think I can make most cars go 20 years if I
    only drive it 100,000 miles in that time and keep it up maintenance
    wise. So, why not get together with others on this list and chip in to
    buy me one so I can test your theory for you? :)
    expensive, Aug 1, 2003
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