MORE than expensive - outrageous!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by expensive, Jul 31, 2003.

  1. expensive

    expensive Guest

    I served three tours in The Nam. The locals weren't too friendly
    there, either. You can move northward a state or two and escape that
    hell you describe down there. Just don't go too far north becaus of
    the Canadians, eh. I can say that Western Washington and Oregon are
    very livable, and the Canadians, eh, are only a danger to you on I-5 as
    they dash back and forth to California.
    expensive, Aug 1, 2003
  2. Falling asleep through expensive's post...
    I don't get binaries :( BUT, I do know what ignitors look like, I just
    placed a whole set in a RX-7

    "If you can't change a tire, you're not allowed to have a beard. It's the
    most basic part of a car: If you don't know that much about a car, you
    really shouldn't be driving, should you?" - Jimmy Kimmel

    Dan**** (10:38:51 PM): I have more respect for you than ever before
    Pahsons - Somnolent, Aug 1, 2003
  3. Just for reference, most electronic components have an expected lifespan
    of 12-15 years. Furthermore some electronic components fail without use,
    due to chemical instability, plasticiser exhausting, electrolytic drying
    As an example you dont see many 22 year old tv's functioning, heck even;
    all solder connections fail after some time due to thermal expansion and
    contraction due to heat/humidity changes.

    all in all its still an expensive part, but if you figure it this way,
    5-7 dollars per year its not to bad.
    Mitchell A. Bogh; bems=137185, Aug 1, 2003
  4. expensive

    expensive Guest

    The point has been made here on several occasions that this same thing
    might have happened to me at the hands of any dealer of any make. I
    have to agree with that. But, Honda was the one that did it to me, so
    I'm not blaming the others. It's the way the chips fell.

    We've also heard that the dealer just follows the manufacturer's
    dictates as far as pricing goes, and also that the part is priced
    differently in various places. So, go figure. If the dealer hadn't
    enjoyed my anguish so much, if they'd shown one iota of empathy for me
    in my predicament, the I might not be SOOOO put off.

    This whole business seems emblematic of an "Amurikin Attitude" you see
    and hear during good times. Basically, it's "If you don't like it,
    then go buy it someplace else." Apparently, the Honda dealer in my
    town is not shy any customers, although I have to say that I saw no
    customers in the showroom when I ran across the sales manager. Perhaps
    my igniter failed a year too soon.
    Well said. Thank you.
    expensive, Aug 1, 2003
  5. expensive

    expensive Guest

    The mechanic said that the part rarely fails. But, obviously, it
    failed for me and I suppose the reason for it has something to do with
    what you say.
    Yeah! Like the fillings in my teeth. Geezo peezo. What a scourge on
    mankind are those silver amalgam fillings.
    I see what you're saying, but I don't entirely agree with your
    conclusion that $5-$7 ($8.77, actually; oh, plus tax) is a small price
    to pay for such an overpriced part, not to mention the abuse heaped on
    me by the dealer.

    All of this simply boils down to something fairly simple. I felt that
    I was overcharged and abused. And I have decided to use the instrument
    of that abuse (the igniter) as a conversation piece with the intent to
    cause the local dealer some business. There is a price for arrogance
    and usurious pricing, and I intend to show what the limits of it is at
    the hands of one individual with a little jawboning. I don't know how
    many sales, if any, that I will cause this dealer, but I know of one...
    my own.

    Now it looks as though I'm going to have to throw away my TV set after
    20 years in order to avoid getting ticked off at Sears! Okay, that was
    a joke.

    expensive, Aug 1, 2003
  6. expensive

    EdRuscha Guest

    The case that the part would not be available for such an elderly car is not
    completely speculative, and less so than your mathematic gymnastics with
    respect to finding a nonsensical price for your cart part by comparing it to
    the weight of your computer. In terms of not offending your mechanic by
    searching for a better-priced part, I'm not sure what your mechanic has to
    do with the part, other than install it. He should be happy for you to find
    the cheapest part possible. And if he is such a great person, perhaps he
    could even assist you in your pursuit of the cheapest part.
    I did not/do not watch these shows either, but l try to be apprised of
    current news and popular culture events. The comparison was to the comedy
    of your "conversation-piece igniter" and its intended aims, not as an
    incitement to watch any television programs, "trash" or otherwise. (And as
    a corollary how could you determine either to be "trash" if you do not watch
    I'm not sure which "Evil Empire" it is to which you refer. I have worked on
    both Mac/PC OS, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. But, for
    someone who is currently complaining about a $193 part, Mac is decidedly not
    the cost-effective computer to own, "Evil Empire" or not. I really do not
    know what is or is not "politically correct" with respect to choosing
    computer platforms, or where politics come into play with electronics
    purchases; I make my decisions with price/productivity in mind. I respect
    your right to use your computer platform as some sort of voting platform,
    although again, I wonder at the efficacy of your methods. Again this use of
    "trash": is this a scientific use of the word, or rather a foray into verbal
    gymnastics, akin to your mathematical manipulation? Seems to me that there
    is little distinction in your usage of "trash" and Max's usage of profanity,
    other than the pithy wit of his statements.

    For me, the price/productivity ratio means that Mac is over-priced for what
    they offer, and I can find a PC for a very good price that serves my needs.
    I have no problem with you being overcharged for your computer. In a market
    economy, a product is worth what consumers will pay for it. And if you are
    not a fan of Windows, the Wal-mart computers run Lindows. I purchased my
    used notebook computer from for $400 this year (much more in
    my budget than $2400 for a computer!) and I am probably as thrilled with
    mine as you are with yours (or moreso). While on the subject of computers,
    my 1997 Micron notebook recently stopped working (necessitating the purchase
    of a new computer); I wanted to upgrade its memory, but it turned out that
    the memory-type was so old it would cost me approx. $300 and was nearly
    impossible even to find this memory, because new computers had adopted a
    newer memory technology. Whereas I could upgrade a relatively new computer's
    memory for oh about $19.95 for a stick double the speed of the older
    computer. Needless to say, I did not buy the memory, because I felt it was
    prohibitively expensive. However I am not bashing Micron for not keeping
    updated memory sticks cheap so that I could decide in 2003 that I wanted to
    upgrade my memory 6 years later for the same price as it would have cost in
    1997. I realize that as new technologies are introduced, it becomes more
    expensive to maintain older systems, and to stock older components,
    especially in a society that is more and more willing to purchase new
    products more frequently (and is more and more able to do so with
    installment plans, credit cards, and 2nd mortgages.)
    I think that you are proverbially shooting yourself in the foot by ditching
    Honda over this igniter part (although since you are claiming Honda has cost
    you an arm and a leg, perhaps this foot-shooting is minor in comparison.
    And, may I add, mighty cheap limbs for a combined total of $193!)

    Maybe you will have luck with a Toyota Corolla; they are allegedly also very
    reliable. I am not even a current Honda owner, and have never been
    particularly impressed by their cars, but I know that you rarely see cars
    from 1981 of any make on the road, and generally if you do, they likely have
    had major restorative work to keep them running. I know that a lot of this
    is lack of desire, rather than lack of ability to maintain these cars, but
    generally they become prohibitively expensive to maintain as they age. Take
    my 1997 Hyundai. In 6 years: clutch, O2 sensors, camshaft position sensor
    all needed to be replaced, among other required "unforeseen" maintenance.
    The car was otherwise well-maintained and had $56,000 miles when I traded it
    in. It simply was not built for longevity (which Hyundai has since
    compensated for by offering a 100,000 miles/10 year warranty--nb. they did
    not *choose* to build longer-lasting cars, but to cover their limited
    reliability through a warranty system). I think you will be hard-pressed to
    find a car where the worst "unforeseen" thing that happens in 22 years of
    life is that the $193 igniter fails! Can you think of a current automobile
    manufacturer that could meet your expectations? I am interested in hearing
    your suggestions.

    On another note, you mentioned that you had previously worked on airplanes,
    and then later mentioned that you have chosen not to fly. Your implication
    (please correct me if my inference is wrong) is that airplane maintenance
    and overall quality do not meet your standards. If airplanes are not built
    to last by your standards, (when there are fewer airplanes built and in
    active duty than automobiles) then why would you assume that cars would be
    any more reliable, better built, or even that your dutiful maintenance would
    have an effect in preserving the gross longevity of your car, when your own
    work on maintaining airplanes leaves you grounded?

    What type of Honda do you have?
    EdRuscha, Aug 1, 2003
  7. No, it is not. Be glad you're trying (and succeeding) to find parts for a 22
    year old Honda, and not something else.

    So what is their cost, as delivered to you on the parts counter?

    And what price do you think they should charge you?
    Stephen Bigelow, Aug 1, 2003
  8. expensive

    Steve Guest

    It's a blue '81 Accord/hatchback.[/QUOTE]

    Wow, an '81?

    I heard that the igniters fail on those after 40 years. If I were you,
    I'd sue Honda because the part malfunctioned and didn't last as long as
    it should. I'd also ask the guy from the honda dealer who sold it to
    you to check the recalled parts list from 1981 and insist that they
    should have done the repair at no charge, and that you should get a
    refund, and an apology.

    Fantasyland, USA
    Steve, Aug 1, 2003
  9. expensive

    D. Martin Guest

    This guy replies to every post, I can't believe this guy..........
    D. Martin, Aug 1, 2003
  10. expensive

    TL Guest

    OK, I'll play the part of troll. In my opinion this part is
    underpriced. After all, it is a critical element in making the car
    run. What's it worth to you? I'll bet you would have paid $300 for it.
    You would have complained, of course, but you'd have paid it.
    Therefore I think the price is below market value.
    TL, Aug 1, 2003
  11. expensive

    EdRuscha Guest

    Maybe you disclaimed your bizarre calculations as being tongue-in-cheek,
    yes, but perhaps your tongue is permanently lodged in your cheek? Because
    in your subsequent messages, you continued to refer to the part as a "$27
    part." If readers of your messages are not to take your mathematical
    manipulations seriously, then neither should you.
    Yes, but doubtful that they will meet your 22-year litmus test! The
    reputation of an automobile is based on overall customer satisfaction and
    overall reliability, which is largely determined by other people's accounts
    and reasonable standards for durability, longevity, and fewest number of
    major problems. Your standards, as evidenced by your recent "outrage," are
    not nearly so reasonable. The Toyota is "right up there" with Honda in
    quality, but if Honda quality has dissatisfied you, then being "right up
    there" is not far enough!
    You said it: "I don't expect..." With a 22-year-old car, you should expect
    a lot more repairs than a dinky $193 igniter! I'd rather be Prometheus than

    Also, as others have suggested, your particular Honda dealership is not
    generating these prices at random, contrary to what you believe or have
    convinced yourself to believe (as in the misguided notion you have developed
    that your part "looks like it should be worth $27"; since when does your
    subjective evaluation based on appearance dictate market value?).

    You must feel badly now that you didn't put in the time, energy, and
    inconvenience that other people invest in trying to find a reasonable price
    for a car part, or at least to determine based on other suppliers that the
    $193 cost was warranted by the current market situation. You paid up at the
    time, and then complain later about it. The Honda dealership obviously did
    not "miscalculate" because you purchased the part at their exact asking

    No, your feelings do not require justification, as you have already shown us
    with your initial statement that you were very angry and then the added
    qualifier "And rightly so." (!!!)
    EdRuscha, Aug 2, 2003
  12. expensive

    expensive Guest

    Have it your way. I expect to find parts for it for a few more years.
    Then it's adios to my '81 Honda.
    How would I know that? If you are asking because you know the answer,
    then spare me the guessing game and say what the wholesale cost is.
    In other messages I said that I would not have been happy if it had
    cost me $75, but I wouldn't have been shocked.
    expensive, Aug 2, 2003
  13. expensive

    expensive Guest

    Wow, an '81?

    I heard that the igniters fail on those after 40 years. If I were you,
    I'd sue Honda because the part malfunctioned and didn't last as long as
    it should. I'd also ask the guy from the honda dealer who sold it to
    you to check the recalled parts list from 1981 and insist that they
    should have done the repair at no charge, and that you should get a
    refund, and an apology.

    Fantasyland, USA[/QUOTE]

    I have a better idea. Why don't you act as my agent in the matter and
    we can split whatever recovery you get.
    expensive, Aug 2, 2003
  14. expensive

    expensive Guest

    In this particular case, I feel it means that I am an unlucky person to
    have had it happen.
    But the actual failure is not something that I'm beefing, although the
    low miles seem to hint that the failure was premature.. It happened,
    it was a big inconvenience at the time because it happened out of town
    and on the freeway, and cost me a tow prior to the fix. What I'm
    beefing is the outrageous replacement cost... oh, and the callous
    attitude of the dealer about it.
    expensive, Aug 2, 2003
  15. expensive

    expensive Guest

    I'm sorry that you have been distracted by this.
    It is right now. It may be, as someone suggested, for a Buick when it
    comes time to make a decision. In the meantime, the part is on the
    dash. I jawboned two people today with my story. One guy said he
    wasn't surprised and he laughed at my comparison with a computer. The
    other was a woman said "No wonder, Honda is very expensive" in a way
    that made me feel as if she has had an experience or two of her own, or
    maybe this is just common knowledge.
    And so, as we are chained to a Honda (mountain) in a repair shop (Mount
    Caucasus), the dealership eats away at our wallets (liver)...
    The statements I have been making to the effect that the part "looks
    like it should be worth $27" are obviously subjective. It's going to
    be difficult to make any kind of case around this since it is an
    opinion same as my comparison with a laptop.
    As I have said many times, I felt as if I had no choice because I
    needed the car now. I was over a barrel and they had me, and they knew
    it, and they laughed about it. Not conducive to goodwill? is it.
    Yeah. Thank you.
    expensive, Aug 2, 2003
  16. expensive

    expensive Guest

    I'm sorry that you have been distracted by this.
    It is right now. It may be, as someone suggested, for a Buick when it
    comes time to make a decision. In the meantime, the part is on the
    dash. I jawboned two people today with my story. One guy said he
    wasn't surprised and he laughed at my comparison with a computer. The
    other was a woman said "No wonder, Honda is very expensive" in a way
    that made me feel as if she has had an experience or two of her own, or
    maybe this is just common knowledge.
    And so, as we are chained to a Honda (mountain) in a repair shop (Mount
    Caucasus), the dealership eats away at our wallets (liver)...
    The statements I have been making to the effect that the part "looks
    like it should be worth $27" are obviously subjective. It's going to
    be difficult to make any kind of case around this since it is an
    opinion same as my comparison with a laptop.
    As I have said many times, I felt as if I had no choice because I
    needed the car now. I was over a barrel and they had me, and they knew
    it, and they laughed about it. Not conducive to goodwill? is it.
    Yeah. Thank you.
    expensive, Aug 2, 2003
  17. expensive

    expensive Guest

    If people respond then I feel as if they are entitled to a response.
    expensive, Aug 2, 2003
  18. expensive

    EdRuscha Guest

    But you did roll over. "Jawboning" now does not change that.
    EdRuscha, Aug 2, 2003
  19. expensive

    Jim Yanik Guest

    A valid comparison between a part for your car(igniter) and a part for a
    computer would be trying to buy a NEW microprocessor for an 8088-based
    PC,or for the original Apple PC(6502).Or for any support IC for those
    computers. Or try to find a NEW 10 meg hard drive.
    Jim Yanik, Aug 2, 2003
  20. expensive

    Jim Yanik Guest

    You think Honda parts are expensive,try Mercedes,Jaguar,or other foreign
    makes,especially for 22 year old models.I've read where Jag owners were
    replacing Jag rear differentials with Ford or Chevy ones,due to the
    cost,availability,and reliability of the Jag parts.(old Jag autos)
    Jim Yanik, Aug 2, 2003
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