Mother of all snowblowers.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by SandroF1, Dec 25, 2003.

  1. SandroF1

    SandroF1 Guest

    Once again, Honda becomes the technology leader in class leading
    snowblowers. Check this one out....
    SandroF1, Dec 25, 2003
  2. SandroF1

    Gryhound Guest

    Gryhound, Dec 26, 2003
  3. SandroF1

    Des Perado Guest

    Hell, you could buy a Zamboni for that money!
    Des Perado, Dec 26, 2003
  4. SandroF1

    Tegger® Guest

    (SandroF1) spake unto the masses in

    What's remarkable about this? Pretty small.

    You've obviously never seen the snowblowers used to clear Northern roads
    where very heavy snow is encountered. They replace the double-plow blades
    used on dump trucks down here. They are six feet tall (not including the
    chute), at least ten feet wide, and mount to the front of dump trucks.
    Tegger®, Dec 27, 2003
  5. You want to see a REAL man's snowblower, take a look at the massive
    snowblowers used to clear runways at major airports. Chicago has some great
    ones. Run down the runway at 50 mph, two of them run staggered to do the
    entire width of a 100 foot wide runway.
    Scott MacLean, Dec 27, 2003
  6. SandroF1

    AJW Guest

    Heck. I've had a Gravely for well over 20 years and I wouldn't trade it for
    anything. It has a 12 HP motor, it's easy on gasoline and it throws the snow
    over 50 feet. That's right - 50 feet. That to me is the Mother of All
    Snowblowers. By the way, all the maintenance has consisted of changing oil
    every winter season and an occasional spark plug. And this is in Western New
    York where we average approximately 290 inches per year.
    That to me is the Mother!!!! I have a JD 2010 which sets in the barn all
    winter (resting) as a backup. Had to use it once during the Blizzard of '77.
    Send a man out to do the job and not a boy!
    This is not intended as a spam message. Just reality.
    AJW, Dec 27, 2003
  7. SandroF1

    Andrew Guest

    They should provide the Honda Pilot with a PTO and sell an optional
    snowblower attachment.

    Andrew, Dec 27, 2003
  8. Here here, I agree, an old Gravely with a thrower attachment. Now that's
    snow throwing.
    One word of caution, watch out for anything loose under the snow, rocks,
    abandoned toys, frozen fido's, because they get thrown around 50 feet as

    David Babcock, Dec 27, 2003
  9. SandroF1

    dold Guest

    More appropriate would be the Honda Civic Hybrid.
    The 1336 is a gas/electric Hybrid snowblower.
    dold, Dec 27, 2003
  10. SandroF1

    Bebop Guest

    Yes, but can you clear your driveway with it. :)
    Bebop, Dec 28, 2003
  11. SandroF1

    Punch Guest

    nah, try a railway snow pusher/blower, can clear 20ft high drifts, tear out
    signals, switch stands etc... they still use these, and also have
    wing attachments...
    Punch, Dec 28, 2003
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