Motortrend article: 100 MPG+ Chevy Volt, GM's "Moon Shot"

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by johngdole, Feb 5, 2009.

  1. johngdole

    Tomes Guest

    The source of energy is how the energy got into the car. The source was
    gasoline. Like Elmo notes, regeneration is just how the car manages the
    energy that was originally sourced from gas. The Prius is really good at
    that management.
    Tomes, Feb 8, 2009
  2. johngdole

    Mike Marlow Guest

    That's funny.

    People that buy Corvettes don't buy cars like Fierro's.
    Mike Marlow, Feb 8, 2009
  3. johngdole

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Ummmmmm... not their market? But, this has wandered from the original
    Mike Marlow, Feb 8, 2009
  4. johngdole

    Scott Dorsey Guest

    The original point that I was making is that to be successful, a large
    car manufacturer has to have their hands in _all_ markets, not just one.
    And that if they spend all of their efforts making a few profitable models,
    disaster will result if there is even a small change in the marketplace,
    as GM is currently discovering.
    Scott Dorsey, Feb 8, 2009
  5. johngdole

    Mike Marlow Guest

    I know your point Scott, but I disagree that they've got to be in
    everything. Most markets, maybe, but not all. GM did a pretty good job of
    covering most markets over the years, but they alienated so damned many of
    their customers that it finally caught up with them.
    Mike Marlow, Feb 9, 2009
  6. johngdole

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Is that why Toyota had a loss in 2008, as well?
    Mike Hunter, Feb 9, 2009
  7. johngdole

    Scott Dorsey Guest

    Everybody had a loss in 2008. GM actually did a little bit better than
    most if you ignore the massive losses that GMAC incurred. The problem with
    GM is that they've been having progressive issues going back to the 1970s
    that they don't deal with, so when we get to a point in time when everyone
    is having trouble, they aren't as easily able to deal with it as some of
    their competitors.

    Admittedly, Chrysler screwed themselves by taking over Benz, another ill
    conceived merger that did nothing but harm to both parties involved. So
    stuff like that makes GM look a little better in comparison.
    Scott Dorsey, Feb 9, 2009
  8. you have it backwards.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Feb 9, 2009
  9. johngdole

    E. Meyer Guest

    I think you got that backwards. Benz took over Chrysler, used them to
    improve their own quality and then dumped them. Capitalism in action.
    E. Meyer, Feb 9, 2009
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