moving question (u-haul)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by s9000t, Jul 6, 2004.

  1. s9000t

    s9000t Guest

    Hi all!
    Pardon my somewhat off-topic post, but I wonder if anybody here has
    towing their cars with U-HAUL auto-transport. I'm moving to a fairly
    place (Hamilton, Ontario, 2,500 miles from where I am now!) I'm looking at
    option of renting a 17' U-HAUL moving van, putting my car (1996 Accord 4D)
    auto transport (all wheels off the ground) and driving away with my stuff
    trans-Canada hwy :) What I'm concerned about is
    1) I know my stuff would fit in the 17' van and I won't need extra space
    2) the U-HAUL thing is rated for 2,900 lbs load (less than the 14' van: same
    gross weight - go figure). My stuff is probably more like 3,500 lbs (2
    bedroom apt)
    3) the auto-transport + car would add another 4,000 to the weight .
    The guys in my U-HAUL office are telling me that *probably* everything
    should be fine, and nobody there seems to be concerned about the weight,
    whether it's gross, or empty or whatever, but heck, the responsibility is
    mine if I rent the thing from them.
    Any advice would be appreciated. (Please don't tell me to hire movers, and
    unfortunately, in the place where I live U-HAUL is the only game in town as
    far as self-moving goes )
    Vlad (in Victoria, B.C.)
    s9000t, Jul 6, 2004
  2. Cross your fingers and buy lots and lots of insurance!

    He Hate Retard and Moron, Jul 6, 2004
  3. s9000t

    Barry S. Guest

    I did this in California, it was about a 200 mile move. It was ok.
    Took some getting use to driving, but otherwise, not too bad. Be sure
    to buy the insurance.. You're current auto policy MAY/MAY NOT fully
    cover you.
    Get a bigger truck.
    My advice is to get the appropriately sized truck for 3500 lbs of
    payload. They should have charts and information on hand to know what
    is acceptable.. I also recommend the insurance and someone to
    accompany you on the drive. Plan out places to stop, as its not easy
    to pull into a mini-mart with a trailer in tow.. It's even harder to
    get out of sometimes if you have to turn around to do it.. (Don't ask
    me how I found this out..)

    Note: To reply, replace the word 'spam' embedded in return address with 'mail'.
    N38.6 W121.4
    Barry S., Jul 6, 2004
  4. s9000t

    Caroline Guest


    Have you checked an outfit called ABF U-Pack Moving ? They
    do have terminals in Surrey, British Columbia (an hour or so from Victoria) and
    Hamilton, ON .

    I used ABF's "terminal-to-terminal" service not long ago and was very pleased.
    To use this service, you would have to rent a U-Haul (or similar) truck in
    Victoria, drive your things (but not your car) to the terminal an hour or so
    away, load up one of ABF's trucks, sign the papers, and forget about it all for
    the next five or so days. ABF hauls your stuff with one of their tractor trailer
    rigs. You'd drive your own car and yourself to Ontario, get settled in your new
    digs, then rent another truck and go to the Hamilton ABF terminal to pick up
    your stuff.

    The ABF people at both ends were really nice.

    I found ABF comparable in cost to estimates from U-Haul, but with a lot less

    I've done it the way you're proposing below. I do not recommend towing your car
    as you describe below unless one has a helluva lot of experience driving a very
    long truck. I'd be far less worried about the engineering of the truck and
    trailer than I would be about the driver.

    If you wish, you can email me in private for more info on the above.
    Caroline, Jul 6, 2004
  5. s9000t

    Pars Guest

    The advantages of having an unemployed buddy at your disposal... A one
    way flight from Vancouver to Toronto is about $200 (which should be
    about 1/2 the price of the trailer rental).

    Pars, Jul 6, 2004
  6. s9000t

    yahmed Guest

    Hi Caroline,

    I am moving from Calgary,AB to Toronto,ON. I tried to get quote from
    their website and it says it does not provide services from Canada to
    Canada. I am trying to call them and they are not attending the phone.
    From where did you find they have offices in Surrey and in Hamilton.

    yahmed, Jul 6, 2004
  7. s9000t

    Caroline Guest


    Go to

    "t2t" stands for "terminal to terminal." This site says the nearest terminals to
    your two locations are:

    4041B 6TH ST SE



    ABF's phones are busy, especially this time of year. Also, they're kind of a
    casual, low key (but friendly) operation, so hang in there. Once you get a
    reservation for space on one of their trailers, things should fly along.
    Caroline, Jul 6, 2004
  8. s9000t

    Sebastian Guest


    My question to you is...
    You're moving from Victoria to Hamilton... WHY? Boy will you be
    Most of us Hamiltonian's are trying to make our way to BC. I hope your
    move is temporary.
    Sebastian, Jul 7, 2004
  9. s9000t

    s9000t Guest

    That's possible. After a week I spent in Hamilton this summer (looking for
    housing) I got a strange feeling that a better half of the population is
    to move somewhere... OTOH, life here in Victoria is also somewhat of an
    acquired taste (which I didn't acquire in the two years I spent here), so
    I'm not
    looking back.

    But, yeah, I've heard this question before (or seen it in the eyes of people
    I've been talking to...) :)

    s9000t, Jul 7, 2004
  10. s9000t

    tina Guest

    Have you considered transporting the car. I shipped a car in 2004 from
    the east to west coast. It cost me about $875 with Air, Land and Sea
    Vehicle Delivery. I think the website was
    Best of luck!
    tina, Jan 25, 2005
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