MPG with AC on - 92 Civic AT

Discussion in 'Civic' started by merlotbrougham, Aug 8, 2005.

  1. AAAAaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhh!

    I drained the tank, topped it off, hit the trip reset and started my
    experiment. I drove down the tank until darn near empty using the air
    conditioner on recirc for the entire tankful. Last night the little
    lady ran some errands and put $10 in to get her around! See what a lack
    of communication with the spouse causes, you youngsters?

    Anyway, I usually average maybe just under 300 miles before refilling,
    but with the air on I was right around 200. That's quite a big hit for
    the air. My guess is that with the drop in HP with the compressor
    running, I tended to floor it a bit more. I ususally am a right-laner
    driving the Civic (like what other choice do I have?), but the leadfoot
    level went up running the air. I found myself flooring it forcing a
    downshift more often. Leadfoot level went up to around a 7-8 out of 10.
    IIRC some manufacturers tout a 5-10% drop in fuel economy with the air
    on, but I saw quite a bit more drop, albeit somewhat unscientific in

    merlotbrougham, Aug 8, 2005
  2. merlotbrougham

    motsco_ _ Guest


    For the sake of facts, it's good to lose the word 'tank' and substitute
    the actual volume of fuel, either gallons, litres, whatever. Otherwise,
    it's kinda like hearsay, or gossip.

    There's only one correct way to explain fuel mileage: How much fuel was
    used to go how far.

    motsco_ _, Aug 9, 2005
  3. For the sake of facts, it's good to lose the word 'tank' and substitute
    Totally agree. I just wish I would've let the boss know about the
    experiment before she put gas in. My figures from last week had to be
    merlotbrougham, Aug 9, 2005
  4. merlotbrougham

    Pars Guest

    I've got a 98 Civic with no Air and Standard tranny, which can easily get
    over 400miles/tank.
    My wife has same model Civic, but equipped with Automatec and Air. With the
    Air running, She can make 300 miles/tank, on a good day. The current 05 1.7L
    Civic will return even better mileage in a heavy load situation. The extra
    ..1L has a negligent effect on all out performance, but it does make for good
    efficiency when the car is loaded at low revs.

    The nice thing about a small displacement engine, is that they return
    excellent mileage when they're not loading down. But, once you put too much
    of a load on them (which is easy to do), they'll put an alcoholic to shame.

    Case Study; Mercedes Smart car, it's half the size/weight as my Hatch and
    has a tinny diesel engine to boot, but fuel consumptions is only 27% better
    then my Civic. Granted, my Civic would need to idle under 3000rpm to achieve
    the great mileage (which isn't a problem since thecar has enough torque so
    that the low rpm is adequate for normal Toronto is a flat
    area). Meanwhile the Smart is going all out just to maintain a mundane
    130km/hr (while at that speed my Hatch is coasting along at under 3000rpm).
    Unlike the Smart, I can charge against the wind at 190km/hr, which might not
    be smart, but it is cool.

    Pars, Aug 12, 2005
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