My '05 Civic seems to use 'too much' oil.

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Jenny, Sep 10, 2005.

  1. Jenny

    Jenny Guest


    My '05 Civic 4 cylinder seems to have used 1/2 quart of oil withiin
    4,000 miles.

    Is this normal? I tend to think it's not.
    I bought the car with 6 miles on it!

    The dealer says to stop by, get some Honda's oil to add, and they'll
    see it in another 1000 miles (my first service check up/oil change,

    Has any other '05 Civic owner experienced this amount of oil loss, in
    so little miles?

    What's the likelihood that the oil was never topped off, in the first
    place, and it's possible I didn't use any oil, in the 4K miles?
    My neighbor has an '04 Accord 4 cylinder, and says his doesn't use
    that much, in 5000 miles.

    Should I be concerned, at this time?

    Jenny, Sep 10, 2005
  2. Jenny

    jim beam Guest

    don't be concerned yet. if the problem persists, then worry about it.
    with a new engine, when the rings have not yet seated & sealed, it's
    common to burn a little oil. also, check the level first thing in the
    morning when cold. it takes a while for oil to run down to the oil pan
    if it's been used so checking the level right after use is not always
    too accurate.
    jim beam, Sep 10, 2005
  3. Jenny

    Elle Guest

    What specifically is the evidence that 1/2 quart was used? Did you actually
    take _two_ dipstick readings, one at the start of the 4k miles, the other at
    the end?

    It is possible the car didn't consume any significant amount of oil during
    this time, because it wasn't "topped" off at the last change or upon
    delivery to you, when new.

    Any oil spots on your garage floor, indicating the drain bolt or oil filter
    maybe wasn't fully tightened?
    Elle, Sep 10, 2005
  4. Jenny

    Woody Guest

    You bought a new car and never checked the oil in 4000
    Woody, Sep 11, 2005
  5. Don't be worried yet, but keep a close eye on it. Definitely check each time
    you put gas in - you should anyway, you know.

    There have been a few reports in the last few years of new Hondas suddenly
    consuming oil. When it has been tracked down, the only cause I've heard of
    is a broken piston ring - at least two cases of that. Break-in should be far
    enough along that you won't see much oil consumption now if all is normal.

    Michael Pardee, Sep 11, 2005
  6. Jenny

    John Horner Guest

    Any signs of leakage? My sister-in-law's '05 Civic needed a new engine
    at 3,500 miles due to a freak leaking engine block.

    John Horner, Sep 11, 2005
  7. Jenny

    TWW Guest

    Your oil usage is not excessive. If you use a quart in 1000-1500 miles I
    would say you have a problem. Some cars just use oil. Preludes use a quart
    anywhere from 1500 to 3500 miles -- just because of the design of the
    engine. An XKE I had in the mid 60s would use a quart every 300 miles or
    TWW, Sep 11, 2005
  8. Jenny

    TeGGeR® Guest

    (Jenny) wrote in

    It is.

    You'll notice your gas mileage is not nearly what you think it should be
    either. There is a range of acceptable oil use, and you are /well/ within
    that. 8,000 miles per quart is excellent for only 4K miles on the clock.
    And it'll get even better as the engine wears in.

    At thi point, your rings are still bedding in and the final cylinder finish
    is still forming. You even have special break-in oil in there that is
    designed to aid the break-in process.

    The most important thing you can do right now is to perform all services
    (especially oil changes) exactly as specified in your owner's manual, and
    NOT to change the oil for the first time until precisely as specifed (and
    especially not too early!)

    Approaching about 8,000-10,000 miles your oil usage will decline even more,
    and your gas mileage will reach its final level.

    Enjoy your new Honda.
    TeGGeR®, Sep 11, 2005
  9. Jenny

    TomP Guest

    If you "feel" your engine is consuming too much oil. Then request the
    dealer perform an oil consumption test. (It's all spelled out in Honda's
    service ops manual or HSB 82-003.)

    When you pick your car up from this oil and filter change. Ask the
    service manager or the Tech to show you the correct way to check the oil.
    Your job then, is to check the oil at each fill-up, until a quart of oil
    is consumed or the test mileage is achieved.


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    TomP, Sep 11, 2005
  10. Jenny

    TWW Guest

    Good answer.
    TWW, Sep 12, 2005
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