My 2004 Accord (4-cyl) still gives me 8 km/l... is it normal?

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Indirecto, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. Indirecto

    Indirecto Guest

    That's not much more than18mpg... I was expecting better mileage. After
    all, it's why I got rid of my SUV.

    All city, normal driving (no highway)... down here in Chile. In the highway
    it goes up to about 11.5km/l (27mpg)

    I was expecting better mileage. It's got 4800 km on it.

    Is this normal?

    (Use RON93 gas)

    Indirecto, Jun 17, 2004
  2. If your talking Santiago, I don't recall that city having too many straight
    streets of any significant distance. I would suspect you are doing good.
    especially if you drive like all other Chilean's. 18 and 27 sounds right to

    Also, if your RON93 is equivalent to the 93 octane of North America, then
    you are probably overdoing that to. Does the car call for RON93 or is that
    personal preference. If the later then drop down to what is called for by
    Honda for your location. Probably 87ish. You might see a small increase in
    MPG but definitely an decrease in money spent at the pump.

    Scott VanNest, Jun 17, 2004
  3. Indirecto

    SoCalMike Guest

    america goes by RON+MON/2

    so he needs to find out the MON as well, add it to the 93, divide by 2,
    and itll give us the equivalent to our gas.

    so, um... (X+93)/2=87 solve for X
    SoCalMike, Jun 17, 2004
  4. Indirecto

    Pars Guest

    My wife's 2000 Civic gets about 8.5L per 100km. It's the bloody automatic
    tranny that's causes the poor mileage. The newer civic seems to return much
    better mileage when equipped with an Automatic.

    Since your Accord is still new, I'm sure it would get better once the car get a
    little older. Also, using the lowest octane gas possible will also return
    better mileage. However, there the 'ping' issue. I tend to get better mileage
    with 87 Octane when compared to 91, but the engine sounds awful with the cheap
    gas. So, I'd go as low as possible and let the engine tell you if you need to
    go higher. The difference between using low octane gas and high octane is
    about 50km per tank which goes up to about 100km per tank when the premium gas
    is winterized.

    98 DX Hatch
    Pars, Jun 17, 2004
  5. I drive a 2004 Honda Accord I4 in Los Angeles street traffic with almost no
    freeway driving. I've got 3600 miles on it, and I'm getting about 19-21mpg.
    So I'd say you're about right.

    Joshua J. Belsky, Jun 17, 2004
  6. Indirecto

    Indirecto Guest

    Wow... I wonder what the V6 would give under the same circumstances?

    Indirecto, Jun 18, 2004
  7. Indirecto

    Indirecto Guest

    The owners manual says to use RON91... but I usualy put 93 because I don't
    trust local suppliers.

    I guess a better method would be to try lower octane gas and see how much it

    I think RON93 should be equivalent to US 89-octane..

    I wonder how the V6 would behave. I considered buying it but decided
    against because I thought it would get worse mileage. At US$0.86 a liter
    (more than $3 a gallon)... it was crazy.

    Indirecto, Jun 18, 2004
  8. Indirecto

    LBJGH Guest

    The car is rated for rated for 9.6/6.5 L/100km or 30/44 Imp. MPG. Expect
    10% less in real world driving...
    LBJGH, Jun 18, 2004
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