MY Poor Honda

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Hondachickaboo, Dec 16, 2006.

  1. hi everybody,

    since its gotten cold outside, when i go to start my car in the
    morning, the car will start and then will begin to idle like its going
    to accelerate but then it doesnt, it usually idles from about 3rpm to
    heat up and then i push on the gas and it goes back to 1rpm which is
    normal, but within the last month or so, it just stays at 1 or below
    like its trying to cut off and makes this noise like uh uh uh uh uh
    and its almost like its sputtering or something then its sorta like
    greyish black smoke coming out of the tail pipe. the only way i can
    get it to accelerate and be normal is to hold my foot down on the
    accelerator and it works then but after that its a gassy smell, so i
    guess i just need to know whats wrong and how it can be fixed

    Hondachickaboo, Dec 16, 2006
  2. What model and year, how many miles?

    Michael Pardee, Dec 16, 2006
  3. Hondachickaboo

    Matt Ion Guest

    Get thee to a mechanic.
    Matt Ion, Dec 18, 2006
  4. Hondachickaboo

    Tegger Guest

    Sounds like poor maintenance. Take it to a garage.
    Tegger, Dec 19, 2006
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