My speedometer troubles

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by boondocks, Jan 7, 2006.

  1. boondocks

    boondocks Guest

    Well... My 96 Accord has the dreaded speedometer problem. Sometimes it
    works, sometimes it sits at 30 km/h. If I bang on the dash and flick the
    trip odometer button a couple times it starts working again. I took the
    cluster out of the car, and checked the circuit boards for cold solder
    joints. Re-soldered a few... The speedometer movement itself is a smooth as
    glass. I could gently blow on the needle and it would travel very well..
    Anyway, I put the damn thing back together, and it is still doing the same
    thing. I didn't actually take the speedometer itself apart as I am sure it
    is a sensitive device.... At first I thought it was my signal generator at
    the transaxle, but the bang/flick thing rules that out. It has something to
    do with the cluster itself.. (I think)

    Does anyone out there in Honda land know how to fix this? I REALLY don't
    want to spend 350.00 on a new cluster with a car that has around 275000km on

    I have read that this is a known problem, but I can't seem to find any
    solution other than replacing the whole cluster. I like to fix before I
    replace. (Because I am poor...)

    boondocks, Jan 7, 2006
  2. boondocks

    RM Guest

    Ebay, lots of clusters fairly cheap.
    RM, Jan 9, 2006
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