mysterious starting problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by XG, Dec 1, 2003.

  1. XG

    XG Guest

    My car is a 1992 accord lx automatic. Yesterday it showed a strange problem.
    The first start of the day was all right and I drove to a grocery store.
    After about 15 min, I came back and tried to start it. At about first 1 or 2
    second, it seemed all right and the engine turned on, but right followed by
    the engine off (while all nessary lights kept on as when the key is at 'on'
    position). I tried several times, the same result. But after I wait for
    about 5 min, I tried and it was working again! Wanna know what could be
    behind this problem. My car might have a much-described main-relay problem
    since it always has a couple of hard times to start in hot summer. But
    that's when you can't even turn the engine on. Yesterday it's about 50F and
    got some sunshine. Not sure whether it's related. Thanks ahead for any

    BTW, what could cause a front grinding noise at low speed (20-40mph)? wheel
    XG, Dec 1, 2003
  2. XG

    Artfulcodger Guest

    Similar symptoms on my 92 Accord led to replacing the ignition control
    module located under the left foot drivers footrest.
    That has been the only non replacement failure this car has had.
    They just like to run on and on.

    My guess on front grinding noise is cv boot or dragging brake. That is only
    a wild guess as I am no mechanic. Have all my work outsourced as I am a
    clutz at fixing anything other than those items that require a hammer.

    The Artful Codger
    Artfulcodger, Dec 1, 2003
  3. XG

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    Was the distributor housing replaced under warranty? There was a
    problem with the bearing wearing out and seizing. To check yours out,
    remove the cap, and see if there is a bunch of junk in there from the
    dry bearing.
    Can you hear the fuel pump run for about two seconds when you turn the
    key to the first position? No noise from the pump means the relay is
    bad, and needs resoldered.
    I had mine quit once at about 125,000 miles when the ignitor in the
    distributor quit. Would crank fine, but no fire.
    Low speed noise on my '92 is usually coming from a build up of
    corrosion and dirt on the front brake rotors where the go past the
    How many miles are on the car and the brakes?
    Good Luck! bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Dec 1, 2003
  4. XG

    Jim Yanik Guest

    tells how to fix(resolder) the main relay,save the $50 to replace it.
    Easy to do,a half hour job.

    The other problem may be a stuck brake caliper,or worn pads,or bad CV
    Jim Yanik, Dec 2, 2003
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