Mystery oil spot, '94 Civic

Discussion in 'Civic' started by A. Walter, Apr 29, 2004.

  1. A. Walter

    A. Walter Guest

    Hi all,

    I'm hoping someone has seen this before... I have a little collection
    of oil near the spot where the car's dipstick passes through a heat
    shield and into the oil pan. The spot is on the heat shield itself.

    I've cleaned it off and it returns after a while. Often, it's just a
    dark spot, hardly oily at all (I assume much of it blows or boils off;
    the heat shield gets pretty hot).

    There doesn't seem to be any oil on the external part of the dipstick
    itself (above the rubber plug), which kind of eliminated my first
    guess--that the oil was somehow blowing up out of the dipstick hole.
    There's no other apparent trail of oil either--it just appears there
    in the middle of the metal.

    The car is losing considerably more oil than it used to, but I'm not
    sure if this spot plays a big role in it... It also has a pan gasket

    Any idea what gives?

    A. Walter, Apr 29, 2004
  2. A. Walter

    E. Meyer Guest

    There is a rubber O-ring on the bottom of the dipstick tube where it slides
    into the engine. If the leak is at the bottom of the tube, it could be
    that. What is the condition of the valve cover gasket? It oil is leaking
    out from the cover, it could be tracking down the heat shield - probably on
    the backside where you don't see it. Suggest you start at the top of the
    engine and work your way down, clean things up and replace the gaskets
    wherever you find leaks and you should solve it.
    E. Meyer, Apr 29, 2004
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