NAV on 2005 Honda Accord?

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Ritter197, May 19, 2005.

  1. Ritter197

    Ritter197 Guest

    I am interested in feedback from people who have bought the current Honda
    Accord with the NAV system. I am particurilary interested in your assessment
    of the Nav. system.
    Ritter197, May 19, 2005
  2. I am happy with my NAV system, although I have not use any other systems to
    compare it against. If you travel alot, it's a must! Especially in
    unfamiliar areas. Locally, it helps with locating places by address or by
    name. (When out & about, can you find the nearest Subway Restaurant? It can,
    with a little effort) The directions it gives are basic routes. Meaning
    those little shortcuts you may normally make will not be calculated, until
    you stray from the course it made for you, then it will recalculate. If it
    can't, you will hear the "Make a U-turn when possible." Another useful tool
    is an area to store locations in system. The map is fairly currrent for my
    area, although some locations need to be corrected. (It shows a White Castle
    warehouse as a restaurant) Also, most business/government locations in the
    system will give you the address and telephone number. The VOX feature is
    handy, but learning the phrases may take getting use to. But you can always
    say "home", and it will tell you how to get back. The system includes a
    handy calendar, where you can key in meetings, appointments, etc. Only I
    wish there was port for a "smart media" card that would interchange stored
    information with a PC/laptop/cellphone. The mileage computer is neat too,
    but the figures it gives are a little higher than my old fashion math
    calculations. There are many other things I probably have not mentioned,
    whether known or not. But the bottom line is..Is it worth the extra dough?
    Being the gadget person I am, yes. If you travel alot, yes. If you can't
    figure out 2 alternative ways to drive between home & work, yes. If you are
    constantly driving with a map in your hands, yes. Hope this helps!
    Ernest Holiday, May 29, 2005
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