Navigation Upgrade?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mopa, Jan 31, 2006.

  1. mopa

    mopa Guest

    I now have a 2003 Honda Accord Ex, and the EX comes with the regular
    Heat/AC system, but the EX-L has the Dual-zone automatic climate
    control, and the upgraded EX-L comes with Satellite-Linked Navigation

    Would it be possible to remove the old indash system, and replace it
    with the EX-L model, so I can have climate control, or both, the
    Navigation System? They are the same size and everything, but do not
    know if it would be as simple as plug in and play.

    mopa, Jan 31, 2006
  2. mopa

    Dr Nick Guest

    it's not quite that simple, while you could (and some have) added the
    Navigation system, you need to buy (and install) more than just the head
    unit, there are a bunch of sensors (for the auto climate control and navi) a
    DVD-drive for the maps (navi) as well as a few other thing I don't know
    about. so, is it possible? yes. is it worth it? probably not
    Dr Nick, Jan 31, 2006
  3. mopa

    mopa Guest

    So it would just be better to go buy a $1200 Navigation System Solo and
    just use that instead?

    Thanks for your help.

    mopa, Jan 31, 2006
  4. mopa

    Seth Guest

    How about a $500 unit like the Garmin 2610 (that's what I have for use in my
    car and motorcycle) or the Garmin Quest for $350 (what's in my wife's van).

    I do have my eye on the TomTom700 for it's integrated Bluetooth speakerphone
    (about $700).
    Seth, Feb 1, 2006
  5. mopa

    mopa Guest

    Very nice, gotta love blue tooth.

    My friend has the GARMIN StreetPilot c330 Mobile GPS system. This baby
    works wonders, so I am thinking about getting it. It works perfectly,
    within 10 ft or so percision.

    mopa, Feb 21, 2006
  6. mopa

    Seth Guest

    For that money, go with the 26x0. Larger screen and some hard buttons. The
    "C" series is too toy like.
    Seth, Feb 23, 2006
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