Need help with my '01 Accord Accessory Power Socket

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Dale Brisket, Oct 23, 2005.

  1. Dale Brisket

    Dale Brisket Guest

    The metal socket itself is quite loose in the console, so anything I plug
    into it wobbles around a lot. I use it
    primarily to plug in a one piece iPod cradle/charger, and there is far too
    much movement for my satisfaction. Can anyone tell me how to get it out so I
    can rig up some kind of spacer to hold it more securely in the console? Are
    there docs anywhere to guide me in this? TIA.
    Dale Brisket, Oct 23, 2005
  2. Dale Brisket

    SoCalMike Guest

    things like that sometimes can be carefully pried out. if so, the
    press-fit "tangs" can sometimes be spread to make it tighter. after all,
    ya cant make the hole smaller

    if not, the console has to come out.
    SoCalMike, Oct 23, 2005
  3. Dale Brisket

    Dale Brisket Guest

    If I could figure out how to get it out, I could probably find a way to make
    it tighter. As far as I can tell, there's no way to get it out from the
    outside. It looks like the console has to come out first.
    Dale Brisket, Oct 23, 2005

  4. --------------------------------

    You need the instructions for changing the stereo. They are easy to find
    with The socket has a threaded sleeve around it, and the
    sleeve has backed off a turn or two. Put some contact cement on it when
    you fix it, since you never use it for a cigarette lighter anyhow.

    'Curly Q. Links', Oct 24, 2005
  5. Dale Brisket

    Dale Brisket Guest

    I did find the instructions for pulling the radio and removing the plastic
    dash panel, but it does not show how the section below it containing the
    socket comes out. Any links you know of that illustrate that? So far, trusty
    Google has produced none. TIA.
    Dale Brisket, Oct 24, 2005
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