New 03 Civic gearbox "thump"

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Andrew, Sep 27, 2003.

  1. Andrew

    Andrew Guest

    Just took out a new 03 Civic 5-speed and noticed a small drive line
    thumping sound/feel. Coasting along, clutch in, engine at idle speed -
    selecting gears 2-5 (with the clutch staying in - just playing with the
    nice shifter!)I noticed a small thud sound and feeling when putting it
    in gear.

    It's best felt when coasting with the clutch in at a slow traffic speed
    and going between 2nd and 3rd and back, all the time with the clutch in...

    It was a bit worse on a used 02 with 10,000 km on it that we tested.

    Is this just how that box is supposed to work? I don't think I could
    stand it... almost like a motorcycle sequential shifter when you drop
    it into gear..

    Anyone else notice this? Am I going crazy or did we just happen to
    drive 2 similarly afflicted units at two different dealers?

    Andrew, Sep 27, 2003
  2. --------------------------------

    That's just the synchro cones grabbing and spinning the tranny and
    clutch plate up to the same speed as the rear wheels. Generally they'd
    be going about the right speed when you shift during acceleration, and
    the engine noise would prevent you hearing it. Honda didn't feel they
    had to 'mask' that noise because what you're describing is never noticed
    / heard / felt in daily usage.


    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 28, 2003
  3. Andrew

    Andrew Guest


    Thanks for the response! I agree that that's probably the sound, but it
    does happen in daily driving - gearing down. Common in town from 3 ->
    2. Mind you, it's more noticeable doing what I describe above, but I
    first noticed it during normal driving. It's not just a noise either,
    but a 'bump' too. I feel it in the seat. The whole point of the
    synchros is to smooth the process if you will. If there's a bump,
    what's the point? It doesn't happen in any other 5 speed we've tested.
    Mind you - the civic is the most refined car we've tested in its price
    range! I just have to decide if it's annoying enough to be a deal
    breaker (probably not)...


    Andrew, Sep 28, 2003
  4. Andrew

    Andrew Guest

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the synchros only come into play as
    the clutch is let out and the car is in gear? This thud occurs when the
    clutch is fully depressed or disengaged and one flips through the gears.
    Sort of like the clutch is 2% engaged even when fully on the floor.
    It's my understanding that the synchros aren't doing anything at that
    point. Think of how quickly you can stir through the 2-3-4-5-4-3-2
    series with the clutch in - the synchros are matching wheel/flywheel
    speed all through that? It's unnecessary.

    Andrew, Sep 28, 2003
  5. No.

    This thud occurs when the
    Gear flipping is when the syncros do their stuff.
    Stephen Bigelow, Sep 28, 2003
  6. Andrew

    Andrew Guest

    K - Thanks!

    Andrew, Sep 28, 2003
  7. Andrew

    Andrew Guest

    As a self follow-up to this thread, the 03 and 04 Accords do it too...

    Wouldn't stop me from buying one, mind you, but annoying.

    Andrew, Oct 8, 2003
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