new 04 accord pulsing brake pedal

Discussion in 'Accord' started by chuck smoko, Dec 3, 2004.

  1. chuck smoko

    chuck smoko Guest

    Just got a new 04 about a week ago. It was a leftover LX.
    It has Anti-lock ABS brakes and I started to notice a pulse
    in the pedal during braking. Not "slam on the brakes" stops;
    just normal slow downs. You know, 60 or so down to 40 mph.
    I have never had ABS and wonder if there should be noticeable
    brake pedal pulsing. I have had plenty of cars with warped rotors
    (lots of them honda, BTW) and the pedal felt about the same;
    it's annoying as all get out. This is a new car and has less than
    300 miles! I don't want to take it in and "hear that's normal for
    ABS." Any 04 accord owners have this problem?


    ps; No, I did not hit a pothole nor did I ever take off a wheel just
    to tighten all of the lug lugs on just one side of the wheel. LOL...
    chuck smoko, Dec 3, 2004
  2. chuck smoko

    motsco_ _ Guest

    motsco_ _, Dec 3, 2004
  3. chuck smoko

    LBJGH Guest

    I have a '04 LX-G (Canadian model) and find the ABS overly aggressive too.
    If the roads are at all slippery the ABS kicks in way too early based on my
    experience with other ABS equipped cars.

    Also I intentionally "tested" the ABS on snow covered roads where one
    portion of the road was packed snow and the other loosely packed and I found
    the car veered abruptly when I slammed the breaks on (which is what you are
    suppose to do with ABS). This was much worse than my crappy Chevy Malibu...
    gets me wondering if I should just pull the fuss on the ABS on the Accord...
    I'm not too impressed.
    LBJGH, Dec 3, 2004
  4. chuck smoko

    jim beam Guest

    you may just have a dud rotor. happens occasionally. get it fixed
    under warranty.
    jim beam, Dec 4, 2004
  5. chuck smoko

    E. Meyer Guest

    Have you been babying the brakes? They might not be bedded in properly.
    Try a couple of hard stops from about 60 MPH. As hard as you can do it
    without locking up the wheels and engaging the ABS. If the pulsing is gone
    after that, it was just deposits on the rotors from the new pads (which you
    just scraped off with the hard stops).

    If it still pulses then it is probably a bad rotor as someone has already
    E. Meyer, Dec 4, 2004
  6. chuck smoko

    y_p_w Guest

    I've heard of some Audis that have a switch to turn off the ABS
    for conditions such as loose packed snow or gravel. However - for
    most wet and dry conditions, you're probably better off with ABS
    on unless you have race driving skills.
    y_p_w, Dec 4, 2004
  7. chuck smoko

    TeGGer® Guest

    I've never tested this because neither of our cars has ABS, but you can try
    this tip to temporarily disable the ABS:
    TeGGer®, Dec 7, 2004
  8. chuck smoko

    LBJGH Guest

    Very cool tip TeGGer! I'll give it a try.

    LBJGH, Dec 8, 2004
  9. chuck smoko

    John Horner Guest

    Sounds like a rotor warped. This is not normal ABS behavior.

    John Horner, Dec 10, 2004
  10. chuck smoko

    chuck smoko Guest

    I ended up taking it into the dealer... they are about 30 miles from
    me (w/ DC traffic too; so I was reluctant). It is now do'n fine ... no
    pulsing at all. I was just finding it hard to believe ... less than 100
    and this? I am none to crazy about shaved rotors... They said they
    will replace both if it shows up again.

    chuck smoko, Dec 11, 2004
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