NEW 1/4/05 - GM Official Pics of the 2006 Corvette Z06 (w/ 7.0 liter V8 - 500hp)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by StuffFinder, Jan 4, 2005.

  1. StuffFinder

    StuffFinder Guest

    Pics at link above

    StuffFinder, Jan 4, 2005
  2. StuffFinder

    FBR Guest

    This continuous stream of crossposted plugs for your site are becoming
    FBR, Jan 4, 2005
  3. StuffFinder

    Fustanella Guest

    Pics at link above

    So? We ran screaming from the GM family for VW and Honda. Why not be
    more specific in where you post?
    Fustanella, Jan 4, 2005
  4. StuffFinder

    Cosmin N. Guest

    500hp from a 7l engine? I'm definitely not impressed.

    Cosmin N., Jan 4, 2005
  5. StuffFinder

    zonie Guest

    We only talk about real cars here. Lets see here. GM 6.0 liter V-8 , 400
    hp. Honda 2.0 inline 4 Cyl, 240 hp. that means if Honda made a V-8 using
    their know how it would be around 720 hp. HONDA forever. Scott
    zonie, Jan 5, 2005
  6. StuffFinder

    StingRay Guest

    "StuffFinder" <> "SPAMMED" in message

    StuffFinder, we are not all so easily duped, not to realize that you are a
    principal of J.L.A. Enterprises out of Raleigh, North Carolina and that
    your messages are for all intents and purposes "SPAM", since they are
    totally self serving and designed to attract traffic to your pitiful
    website. Funny how you just appeared out of nowhere again. I'm not surprised
    to find that your website has one of those annoying pop-ups appear as soon
    as we enter your site. After all, are you not the same J.L.A. Enterprises
    that got yourself into deep water a couple of years ago by setting up
    basically the same lame website that you have now, but trying to capitalize
    on the good name of our friends at Corvette Central by calling your limp
    website Corvettes Central? You don't have to respond to this question,
    because we already know the answer!

    I suspect that it is no small coincidence that you have used a nom-de-plume
    in this NG, since we made it clear to you a couple of years ago that you are
    not welcome here. At least in the C5Forum, you had balls enough not to hide
    your identity! *lol*
    Although I suspect that is only because you haven't been chased out of there
    yet. ;-) A quick Google Search shows that you've been busy building up the
    empire since we last kicked you out of here. Good luck with your business
    but cut out the "SPAM".
    StingRay, Jan 6, 2005
  7. StuffFinder

    K`Tetch Guest

    probably the same cheap flimsey plastic and victorian era suspension
    K`Tetch, Jan 6, 2005
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