New car mileage

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Agent Smith, Nov 17, 2003.

  1. Agent Smith

    Agent Smith Guest


    What's a reasonable mileage on a Honda when you buy it brand new from
    a dealer? How much "handling" does a car get after it comes off the
    belt in, say, Canada and gets to a dealer here, in the US? Does the
    manufacturer test every car on a track?

    I have to admit I know nothing at this point about this whole
    procedure. Please, enlighten me. :)

    Also, how do you know if the dealer used a car as a "demo"?
    Agent Smith, Nov 17, 2003
  2. Agent Smith

    Duran Guest

    What's a reasonable mileage on a Honda when you buy it brand new from
    10 miles max on the car is not asking too much.
    The mileage on the car will indicate this. Demo's usually have hundreds or,
    more commonly, thousands of miles on them.

    Personally, I would never buy a "new" car with over 15 or 20 miles on it
    unless they had to have the car driven from another dealership, but I
    haven't had to have a dealership do this yet. My accord had 11 miles on it
    when I bought it. I broke my own 10 mile rule, but no other dealer had the
    one I wanted. If you happen to like one that has maybe 50 or 100 miles on
    it from test drives, then I would seriously consider haggling over the price
    with the knowledge that there are plenty of similar new honda's without as
    many miles on them
    Duran, Nov 17, 2003
  3. Your new car will never make it out onto a track. The mileage can vary
    quite a bit and different models are manufactured in differenet places.

    Accord --> USA
    Civic --> Canada, and USA.

    And so forth. Then when your car makes it to the dealer they test drive
    the cars are iron out any bugs and rattling. As for an exact number I can't
    tell you, but anything under a 100 km sounds reasonable.
    -- SilverSting--, Nov 17, 2003
  4. Agent Smith

    MikeHunt2 Guest

    A new car generally will have only a few miles on the odometer
    accumulated during shipping. On occasion cars are selected to be
    factory test driven on the roadway, not on a track. A sticker
    showing the accumulated mileage is generally attached on the
    vehicle in that case. I've never seen any sticker with more than
    50 miles during a test. Test drives by customers is generally
    the reason for the mileage added at a dealership. Most dealers
    try to jeep that kind of mileage to less than 50/60 miles.
    Mileage sometimes is added when new cars are swapped among
    dealers, as well. If a dealer needs to get the car you want from
    an other dealership, expect to see the mileage between the
    dealerships. It is more costly to ship between dealers by truck
    and in that case you will probably be charged more for the
    vehicle. When I was a Sales Manager we considered anything over
    100 up to 600 miles as as 'demo' mileage and reduced the price
    accordingly to a customer, compared to the price of an identical
    car with less than 100.

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt2, Nov 17, 2003
  5. Agent Smith

    DrPimpDaddi Guest

    What's a reasonable mileage on a Honda when you buy it brand new from
    The lowest mileage I've had was 6 miles. The highest was 25. Personally, I
    wouldn't buy a car with over 100 miles, unless offered at steep discount.

    I once was offered a demo with 75,000 miles. Supposedly, the daughter of the
    dealership owner drove it. I believe any car that hasn't been registered can be
    called one.

    I do not killfile nor use do-not-call lists.
    DrPimpDaddi, Nov 17, 2003
  6. Agent Smith

    Oak Guest

    I had the same question. I got a 03 Honda Accord with 88 miles on it
    already. The manager went $420 below invoice to sell it. Do you
    think 88 miles is acceptable, even though it the last of the 03's in
    my area? I'm wondering if it makes a difference if the car has a J
    VIN (assembled in Japan)??
    Oak, Nov 17, 2003
  7. Agent Smith

    lcopps Guest

    Yup, "J" vintage is made in Japan. What color is it by the way. My
    theory is Gold, Red, and Green are less appealing to Japanese consumers,
    so look for them to be made in Ohio. White is a very popular color in
    Japan (I lived there for 2 years). Good possibility it was made in Japan.
    lcopps, Nov 18, 2003
  8. Agent Smith

    lcopps Guest

    Also, A dealer is more likely to transfer a higher mileage car and keep
    the lower milage ones on lot.
    lcopps, Nov 18, 2003
  9. Agent Smith

    NetSock Guest

    Not true. This is totally subjective. Pulling shit from his ass again.
    Again, not true. care to share your source Mikey?

    I thought not...
    And generally, Mikey fabricates stories here.

    Don't listen to this idiot, he is a proven liar.
    You mean, you have never seen a sticker.
    Really? You mean the odometer works during test drives!?

    Wow! I never knew that...thanks Mikey!
    How do you know?
    Really? Wow! You sure are smart!
    Again...I am floored by your seemingly infinite wisdom...
    The only "sales manager" this clown was, was at the local Toys R Us store...

    Your nothing but a liar, and a troll...and it has been proven.

    '03 S2000
    '94 Accord

    It's just about going fast...that's all...
    NetSock, Nov 18, 2003
  10. Agent Smith

    Gus Guest

    The mileage statement for my '03 Accord EX said 19 miles, but the
    odometer read less than that at delivery. I doubt very much they're
    tested on a track at all.
    Gus, Nov 18, 2003
  11. Agent Smith

    DrPimpDaddi Guest

    Wanna bet?
    Sure, let's bet something of equal value... my penny vs. your brain.

    I do not killfile nor use do-not-call lists.
    DrPimpDaddi, Nov 18, 2003
  12. Agent Smith

    MikeHunt Guest

    Wanna bet?

    mike hunt

    MikeHunt, Nov 18, 2003
  13. Agent Smith

    MikeHunt Guest

    In any case you would still lose. If you knew anything about the
    new car business you would know very few dealerships own their
    new cars and when the monthly inventory check is done at a
    dealerships by the floor plan holder, any vehicle with more than
    6,000 miles on the odometer must be registered to the dealership,
    state sales taxes must be paid, the warranty start date begins,
    and the dealership must begin amortization of the invoice. It
    simply would not make sense for a dealer to run a vehicle until
    it depreciates, let alone to 75K, when he can sell it at profit
    as a demo with a few thousand miles and allow family members to
    drive another new vehicle that he can sell at a profit as well.

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt, Nov 18, 2003
  14. Agent Smith

    jim Guest

    i bought some new cars over the years and it had 14 miles, 22 miles,
    32 miles.. it seems that the dealers put the miles on them doing test
    drives for potential customers....
    jim, Nov 19, 2003
  15. Agent Smith

    SoCalMike Guest

    when writing up the sales draft and DMV paperwork, sometimes theyll just put
    in a number for the odometer reading, rather than getting the key, going
    outside, and turning the car on to check the *actual* mileage. 5 miles, 8
    miles, 12 miles, whatever... youre still buying the car, right?
    SoCalMike, Nov 19, 2003
  16. I test drove, and then subsequently bought, my Accord starting at 1 mile on
    the clock.
    Chris Aseltine, Nov 19, 2003
  17. Agent Smith

    NetSock Guest

    Doubtful. Lies don't count when proving something.
    LOL! And you do?
    Says who? You?
    Have you ever heard the story about the boy that called wolf?

    Sorry Mikey...your credibility is shot here. Unless you post proof or a
    link, your useless rambling will be discounted as crap you pulled from your
    ass...just like the other 95% you post here.

    '03 S2000
    '94 Accord

    It's just about going fast...that's all...
    NetSock, Nov 19, 2003
  18. Agent Smith

    Moitz Guest

    Geez, Mr. ****, at least do your fscking research.

    From (compliments of a Google
    search for 'dealer demo maximum mileage')

    "Dealer demonstrators with *more than 7,500 miles* and/or that have
    had a dealer demo allowance paid, driver training vehicles,
    special-event vehicles and used vehicles are not eligible under The
    Program." (Emphasis mine)

    Let's focus on the important part of "Dealer demonstrators with *MORE*
    than 7,500 miles" here (emphasis mine). Seems to me that it pretty
    shoots your made-up theory of a 6000 mile cap on dealer demos.
    Regardless, unless it's federally mandated, you should probably cite
    the state at the very least and the manufacturer, as they are usually
    the ones who make the rules governing dealers.

    Do all of us a favor (before Netsock gives himself an aneurysm) and
    *research* thing before typing.

    Moitz, Nov 20, 2003
  19. Agent Smith

    MikeHunt2 Guest

    GEEZ read the post before you start comparing apples to pears.
    At what miles a particular manufacture offers a discount to
    selected buyers has nothing to do with floor plan finance rules
    and state sales tax policies. In any event even with GM 7,500
    miles for a particular program that is not anywhere near 75,000
    miles he was talking about. Us some logic, a state that collects
    a 7% sales tax on a 25K vehicle will not allow a dealer to escape
    the tax on 10K by letting him run a vehicle to the point it is
    only worth 15K and then sell it. A floor plan holder that holds
    the lean on a new car is not going top allow a dealer to run a
    vehicle till it depreciate below the invoice equity of that
    vehicle with out demanding payments to reduce the loan so as not
    to get out of trust. My source is ten years as Group Sales
    Manager for one of the largest mega dealerships companies on the
    east cost that sold just about every brand on the market.

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt2, Nov 20, 2003
  20. Agent Smith

    NetSock Guest

    Nice cut-n-paste idiot.

    Which web site did you plagiarize?

    '03 S2000
    '94 Accord

    It's just about going fast...that's all...
    NetSock, Nov 24, 2003
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