[QUOTE] When one talks about "wasting money" on more regular servicing I was reminded of an article in a car mag here in the UK - those makes that have gone for extended serevicing (18k miles/.2 years etc) are those makes that have fallen down the reliability stakes- this may be due to the fact they are mostly european makes or maybe they don't worry about longer term reliability[/QUOTE] some manufacturers spend a good deal of money on "end of life". indeed, it's probably their largest r&d cost these days. [QUOTE] In the UK most Japanese makes have stuck to annual servicing and quite often are slagged off in the car mags by penny pinching motorists for costing a lot, BMWs with now 4 yr coolant changes instead of 2 years have had cooling issues - loads more exmples of worse reliability - sadly the makes that try and appeal to the car fleets are only concerned about the servicing costs over 4 years /80k miles - after that If they blow up - who cares seems to be the attitude although having said that the BMW diesel turbos "reliability issues" did have an effect on their reliability image[/QUOTE] bmw have "coolant issues" because of poor system component quality, not because the coolant fails. the polymer tanks on their radiators crack for example. use of polymer in itself is no bad thing, but when it's thin and of poor mechanical design, premature cracking and leakage is pretty much inevitable. same for sensors and hoses. the coolant is relatively inert and stable.