New Honda Plant

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by N.E.Ohio Bob, Jun 28, 2006.

  1. N.E.Ohio Bob

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    Is the new plant going to be 50 miles S.W. of Indy? Will they use
    engines from the Ohio plant? Will they make a BUNCH of the new 'Fit'?
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Jun 28, 2006
  2. N.E.Ohio Bob

    Elle Guest

    This an icebreaker?

    I see the news report. Makes me joyous, since I finally
    bought some Honda stock about a week ago. Short term
    position, buttressed by the floundering GM and Ford but with
    some doubt on my part that the auto industry is prudent for
    the long term.

    Greensburg Indiana, about 50 miles SE of Indy.
    Why yes. Anna Ohio.
    What, and destroy the profits the dealers evidently are
    making (by all the sobbing reports here) by keeping the
    supply of the Fit so low?

    Supposed to be a 4-cylinder plant.

    Excerpts from the AP's report today:
    "We believe that the great state of Indiana has what we need
    to continue ... success: an outstanding community of people,
    excellent transportation systems and the necessary
    infrastructure to support industry," said Koichi Kondo,
    president of American Honda Motor Co. [The Japanese are a
    kind people.]

    [Kondo] said he has been to Indianapolis many times as all
    drivers in this year's Indianapolis 500 used Honda engines.
    [Really? How odd. That seems lilke more than coincidence.
    Maybe I'll buy more HMC stock.]

    "I'd like to point out that there was not one engine failure
    in the race," Kondo said. "With the racing spirit in mind,
    today I am happy to be able to say, 'Honda and Indiana,
    start your engines.'"


    Honda this spring collected options on land near Greensburg,
    a community of 10,500 people 50 miles (80 kilometers)
    southeast of Indianapolis, offering to buy property at 75
    percent more than its assessed value. The deal included a
    $6,000 (euro4,773) signing bonus to landowners who agreed to
    sell, regardless of whether the land was used. [My stock
    dollars at work?! I could have had this hoosiers moved out
    at 75% //of// the assessed value!]

    Elle, Jun 28, 2006
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