New Honda

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Anonymous, Apr 26, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Maybe Ford DOES have a better idea?
    Anonymous, Apr 26, 2004
  2. Anonymous

    Jason Guest

    Perhaps they do--but they probably stole it from another car company. You
    may not know this but all car companies buy cars from other companies and
    their engineers take them apart and compile reports--including
    pictures--about each of those cars. They use those reports when they
    design new cars. Have you noticled that all car companies have the many of
    the same features. That's not an accident. In the near future, all car
    companies will produce a hybrid vehicle. How did they figure out how to
    make hybried vehicles. It's simple--they stole the ideas from hybrid Honda
    and Toyota cars.

    Jason, Apr 27, 2004
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