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Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by TeGGeR®, May 31, 2005.

  1. TeGGeR®

    TeGGeR® Guest
    TeGGeR®, May 31, 2005
  2. TeGGeR®

    slim Guest

    Thanks for all your efforts, TeGGeR®!!! ;-)


    “What’s the difference?”
    ~ George W. Bush, 2003-12-16 in an interview with Diane Sawyer,
    excusing his lie that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction,
    by claiming that there was no difference between having weapons and
    wanting to have them.

    Bush crime family lost/embezzled $3 trillion from Pentagon.
    Complicit Bush-friendly media keeps mum. Rumsfeld confesses on video.

    "This notion that the United States is getting ready
    to attack Iran is simply ridiculous. Having said that,
    all options are on the table,"
    George Bush, February 22, 2005

    RayGun sends his lackey to kiss Saddam's ass.
    WHY IRAQ?:

    "Bubba got a BJ, BU$H screwed us all!" - Slim
    slim, May 31, 2005
  3. TeGGeR®

    slim Guest

    Thanks for all your efforts, TeGGeR®!!! ;-)


    “What’s the difference?”
    ~ George W. Bush, 2003-12-16 in an interview with Diane Sawyer,
    excusing his lie that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction,
    by claiming that there was no difference between having weapons and
    wanting to have them.

    Bush crime family lost/embezzled $3 trillion from Pentagon.
    Complicit Bush-friendly media keeps mum. Rumsfeld confesses on video.

    "This notion that the United States is getting ready
    to attack Iran is simply ridiculous. Having said that,
    all options are on the table,"
    George Bush, February 22, 2005

    RayGun sends his lackey to kiss Saddam's ass.
    WHY IRAQ?:

    "Bubba got a BJ, BU$H screwed us all!" - Slim
    slim, May 31, 2005
  4. TeGGeR®

    Abeness Guest

    Your already awesome site just got better. Thanks!
    Abeness, May 31, 2005
  5. TeGGeR®

    Abeness Guest

    Your already awesome site just got better. Thanks!
    Abeness, May 31, 2005
  6. TeGGeR®

    Frank Guest

    A Urge Big Thanks to you Tegger. You rule!
    Frank, May 31, 2005
  7. TeGGeR®

    Frank Guest

    A Urge Big Thanks to you Tegger. You rule!
    Frank, May 31, 2005
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