New tires & rims pull to the right

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JM, Dec 2, 2007.

  1. JM

    JM Guest

    I just put winter tires and steel rims on my 2001 Accord coupe. I've
    noticed the car seems to want to pull to the right now, and didn't before.
    The tires were on a different car last winter, is it possible the camber/toe
    was different enough on the old car that it's causing this one to track to
    the right? If that's the case, it should eventually even out as the tires
    wear to match this car's setup, right?
    JM, Dec 2, 2007
  2. JM

    Jim Yanik Guest

    try swapping the tires to the opposite side,see what happens.
    Jim Yanik, Dec 2, 2007
  3. JM

    Tegger Guest

    Tegger, Dec 2, 2007
  4. JM

    JM Guest

    Well they are a directional tire, so if that solves the problem should I
    have them both remounted the other way around? Or would that just mean that
    it's a tire wear thing that will eventually go away?
    JM, Dec 2, 2007
  5. JM

    Matt Ion Guest

    In that case, try swapping them front-back. If the alignment was off
    only front or rear on the original car, only one set should be worn, and
    at the very least, it should CHANGE the degree to which it affects your
    steering now.
    Matt Ion, Dec 3, 2007
  6. JM

    Tegger Guest

    Directional doesn't matter. Swap them left to right anyway for testing,
    but be careful on wet roads.

    This sort of problem does not just "go away".
    Tegger, Dec 3, 2007
  7. JM

    Tony Hwang Guest

    Providing they are not directional.
    Tony Hwang, Dec 3, 2007
  8. JM

    Matt Ion Guest

    Tegger wrote:
    <inappropriate top-posting added, just to be a git>

    Of course, you could always take your car by a tire shop and have them
    give the tires a look - most should do it for free, and they'll know at
    a glance if there are any strange wear patterns. If the tires are good,
    you'll probably need to have the alignment done, and most larger tire
    shops can do this as well.
    Matt Ion, Dec 3, 2007
  9. JM

    jim beam Guest

    no. get the alignment checked by someone that knows what they're doing.
    that's not as common as you may suppose. if it still pulls, rotate
    the tires. if that affects it, keep rotating until you find a combo
    that works. or replace them.
    jim beam, Dec 3, 2007
  10. JM

    Jim Yanik Guest

    a directional WINTER tire? I didn't know there was such an animal.

    why would a winter tire need to be directional? What benefit?
    It doesn't make sense.
    Jim Yanik, Dec 3, 2007
  11. JM

    Matt Ion Guest

    OBSERVE G-02 plus - Ultimate Traction Winter Radial for passenegr vehicles
    * Designed with an aggressive unidirectional tread pattern for
    superior performance in extreme snow and ice conditions, the Toyo
    OBSERVE G-02 plus winter tire technology was specifically built to
    handle Canada's most brutal winters.
    Matt Ion, Dec 3, 2007
  12. JM

    Jim Yanik Guest

    that's not much of a "directional" tread pattern.
    Barely "directional".
    Jim Yanik, Dec 3, 2007
  13. JM

    JM Guest

    Thanks for the replies.. I did, now that I think about it, have 2 tie rods
    replaced on the previous car, so it's possible the alignment was off while
    these tires were mounted. I'll see about taking the Accord somewhere to get
    the alignment checked or at least try swapping the wheels around. I'd hate
    to have to replace them; they're still in good shape with lots of tread and
    they're great in the snow.

    They are a directional winter tire, they're Nokian Hakkapeliitta RSi's:
    JM, Dec 4, 2007
  14. JM

    Jim Yanik Guest

    I'm glad I'm in FLORIDA. B-)
    I wore shorts today,BTW,rode my bicycle,a nice day.
    a cold front coming in,I'll have to close the patio door.
    Jim Yanik, Dec 4, 2007
  15. JM

    JM Guest

    Heh heh, rub it in why dontcha?? You don't know what you're missing..
    snowbanks you can't see over when pulling out into traffic, 2" of ice on the
    car in the morning, having to walk to school barefoot in 2 ft of snow,
    uphill... oh wait, that's another story...
    JM, Dec 4, 2007
  16. JM

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Well,I USED to live up North,until 1986,grew up in Buffalo.
    I spent MANY a morn waiting in snow for the school bus.
    I don't miss snow at all.
    I keep some pix on my PC of last year's deep lake-effect snow in Western
    Jim Yanik, Dec 4, 2007

  17. 70's in Austin and forecast similar temps for the next seven days...


    (Who used to hail from the northeast)
    Grumpy AuContraire, Dec 4, 2007

  18. IIRC, Buffaloono really got hamered last year..

    Grumpy AuContraire, Dec 4, 2007
  19. JM

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Rochester area got it even worse.
    I have pix of rotary snowplows drving thru passages 2x as high as the plow.
    Jim Yanik, Dec 4, 2007

  20. I love snow! pictures, on teevee etc.


    Grumpy AuContraire, Dec 5, 2007
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