newbie questions...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Robert Blank, Dec 18, 2003.

  1. Robert  Blank

    Robert Blank Guest

    Registered: Dec 2003
    Posts: 1

    Nextel phone in lighter makes radio buzz....

    when I use the lighter charger in my lighter, the radio simply goes into
    buzzing world. Is there a known problem or a known fix for this?

    Also, a really basic question: I just bought this car (91 Accord EX)
    and it appears to have custom items (new front and rear lights, etc).

    It says 16 valves" in the engine. is this special? Also, what gas
    should this use? My mechanic suggested 89 octane, since it is 16 valve.

    Finally, how can I tell if it has been hotrodded? it certainly has a
    lot of pickup....

    thanx all!! I'm a newb, but humble in the face of this forum....
    Robert Blank, Dec 18, 2003
  2. Robert  Blank

    Tegger® Guest

    (Robert Blank) spake unto the masses in

    Any mods to the electrical system? Alarms, remote starter, aftermarket
    wires, aftermarket radio? Noise like that is usually due to somebody having
    monkeyed with the factory wiring, or corrosion having set in somewhere.

    Uh oh, sounds like you just bought a former rice-boy car. Hope you didn't
    pay too much.

    Not these days. You've got a 4-banger with 4 valves per cylinder. Very
    basic by today's standards. In 1991 it was special, but not now.

    The number of valves has nothing to do with it. Chances are pretty good
    it's supposed to use 87 octane. You can use a higher octane, but you will
    gain nothing by it. You'd probably lose 1%-2% gas mileage.

    Take a pic of the engine bay and email it to me or post it to some Web site
    somewhere. You'll then find out pretty quick if it's full of AutoZone rice-
    boy junk.
    Tegger®, Dec 18, 2003
  3. Robert  Blank

    Vuarra Guest

    Tegger, you have just made me realize that not everyone likes rice. I
    was under the impression (by the Toronto area Honda owners) that that
    was the normal state of affairs.

    Quid quid latine dictum sit altum videtur.
    (That which is said in Latin sounds profound.)
    Vuarra, Dec 18, 2003
  4. Robert  Blank

    Tegger® Guest

    The problem with rice is that the vast majority of items sold as "tuner"
    products are poorly made and amateurishly installed. For these reasons they
    often lead to problems down the line, such as noise through the radio.

    If you buy someone else's "tuner" car, you stand a very good chance of
    inheriting problems they installed along with their rice add-ons.
    Tegger®, Dec 18, 2003
  5. Robert  Blank

    Lee Cao Guest

    Hey Tegger, I am in a nervous position as a seller of a "tuned" vehicle.

    I just put my '92 Accord EX Sedan on the market. As parts have failed over
    the years, I've replaced them with aftermarket components. When the front
    sway-bars went, for example, I put in a set of Suspension Techniques sway
    bars. When the muffler rusted out, in went a Apexi World Sport stainless
    cat-back exhaust system that gives just barely above stock levels of exhaust
    noise. Next the flex pipe before the cat rusted completely through, which
    prompted me to replace the entire header system with a DC Sports 4-2-1.
    Warped front rotors were swapped out with PowerSlots, and the pads are high
    performance ones made by AEM. I wanted keyless entry so I installed an
    Alpine alarm system with shock and proximity sensors. Finally, I replaced
    the horrendous stock cassette deck with a Kenwood CD player with MP3
    playback capability.

    On the one hand, I am quite proud of this car. I use to compete on the
    IASCA circuit so the headunit and alarms were installed correctly. The
    exhaust and suspension bits were also installed by me according to the steps
    in the Helms manual in a fully equipped mechanic's garage. The rotors were
    put on by a Honda dealer because of the cursed ball joints. The only
    stickers I've put on the car are the little "Alpine Security System" 1" x 2"
    window stickers on both sides, one small DC Sports sticker and one small
    Apexi sticker, both about 1" tall and on the driver side rear triangle
    window. With a 5-speed transmission, this car has a decent amount of pep to
    it, and the mods certainly didn't hurt. It isn't loud, it looks stock from
    just about all angles, and it's been garaged all its life.

    But then I am just afraid that someone will take one look at the exhaust
    mods and then start to walk away because they think this car has been
    tweaked by a mindless rice boy, which there are plenty in the VA/DC/MD area.

    Any reaction?

    Lee Cao
    Lee Cao, Dec 19, 2003
  6. "Robert Blank"
    Certain phone and certain radios do this. Sony have good interference
    protection. Erricson is very bad. Nokia is good. Panasonic is poor. Nextel is
    probaby as bad as Erricson.
    Go for higher octane for certain conditions e.g., constant pinging when
    going on an incline.
    The gas pedal is worn.
    Indian Summer, Dec 20, 2003
  7. Robert  Blank

    Tegger® Guest

    I can't tell if you're being facetious here or not.

    In my reply to Vuarra, I said that "vast majority of items sold as
    "tuner" products are poorly made and amateurishly installed".

    I think that's a pretty fair assessment given the youth and thin wallets of
    most "tuners". I did some "tuning" 20 years ago with what passed for
    "tuner"-type items back then. My tuning efforts were amateurish and poorly
    installed. I ended up ripping them off and reinstalling the OEM stuff
    again, which actually made the car work better. I did not know then what I
    know now.

    You sound like a dedicated tuner who actually spends the money to put
    proper quality parts on the car and has them installed correctly, with all
    the parts chosen to work well together. That is not rice, that's what hot-
    rodders have been doing since the '20s. You also don't sound like you're 20
    years old.

    The problem is, how do you know if the modifications have been done well?
    It's really hit and miss, isn't it? How many modifiers are going to spend
    the money and time to have it done right, and how many just want their cars
    to look, ride and sound like a race car and are willing to put up with all
    sorts of problems and glitches for the sake of appearance?

    And for sure, modifications will definitely severely limit your potential
    market when you go to sell. The best market for selling that kind of car
    would probably be the community of people who are into that sort of thing,
    and who hang around together, frequent the same shops and shows, and talk
    about others' cars enough to know who's done it right and who hasn't.

    That's my reaction.
    Tegger®, Dec 20, 2003
  8. Robert  Blank

    Tegger® Guest


    And the driver's seat shows signes of having spent a lot of time at 45
    degrees of rake.
    Tegger®, Dec 20, 2003
  9. Robert  Blank

    Vuarra Guest

    Does it have the "Hamster Torture Sound" fartcan in the back, or a
    Bigass Wing on the trunk?

    Some stickers, yes, most rational people can see, but the rice crowd
    (my brother-in-law included, with his 1986 Olds Cutlass Supreme; even
    good cars can be riced) usually are the ones to go overboard. I've
    seen one guy with a Civic who had a Screaming Chicken sticker from a
    Pontiac Firebird and the Super Hi-Kis <sp> sticker from a Nissan.

    Most people would understand that your car is not rice. Rice, for the
    most part, is all show and no go.


    Quid quid latine dictum sit altum videtur.
    (That which is said in Latin sounds profound.)
    Vuarra, Dec 21, 2003
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