Next car after CRX Si

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Shark, Oct 6, 2005.

  1. Shark

    Shark Guest

    Hi, I really like my 1989 CRX Si, it has 160k miles and engine is still
    young. It handles well, gives great gas mileage, and can take a beating
    anytime. But I am considering buying another car just because I'm
    getting a little bored of this one. I've been looking at old porsches
    and miatas and am doing more research into cars. I wanted to ask people
    who have owned and enjoyed the Si: what sporty car did you buy after
    your CRX? My budget is limited, around 2k - 3k only.

    Shark, Oct 6, 2005
  2. Shark

    jim beam Guest

    2k - 3k? dude, you'd still be disappointed at 30k. stick with the si.
    especially if being "bored" is your only problem. having to fork out
    $2k for brakes on a porsche is not "boring", but it sure does limit your
    discretionary spending if you're on a budget.
    jim beam, Oct 7, 2005
  3. Bored with your car might just be a option to justify spending a little on
    it... Consider upgrading with Intake, Exhaust, Headers, Nitrous, Turbo...
    something to spruce things up for you. Just make sure you do your research
    to see what works with the car, for your budget and for you.
    Ross Cranford, Oct 7, 2005
  4. Shark

    chris Guest

    I would see about swaping in a SOHC ZC, B16A or B18C before installing an
    intake, exhaust, & header. CRX Si made what 106HP? With all that stuff
    your maybe looking at 125HP tops.

    SOHC ZC are around 128HP to start. Plus the engines are almost a dime a
    B16A 160HP
    B18C 170HP

    The B16A & b18c might be out of your price range for a full swap. ie.
    engine/trany/ecu/axles/etc., At least with the ZC you still can use your D
    series stuff.
    chris, Oct 7, 2005
  5. Shark

    Shark Guest

    The thing is, I live in california and from what I know engine swaps
    are illegal. The car will not pass smog.
    Shark, Oct 7, 2005
  6. Shark

    SoCalMike Guest

    nope, it wont. itll be a PITA to sell, and relegated to shady "under the
    table" $200 smog checks.
    SoCalMike, Oct 7, 2005
  7. Shark

    DaveB Guest

    I recently sold my 1987 CRX Si. I wanted to find a newer ride that was
    reasonably priced, still fun to drive and economical.

    I found a 1995 del Sol Si, in good shape, 134K miles, and for only $3400. I
    am enjoying the drive again.

    DaveB, Oct 8, 2005
  8. Shark

    Andy Weaks Guest

    I looked around and the only other car that came close to the
    performance and gas mileage was the MINI Cooper but my wife already has
    one so I decided to keep the CRX. I will slowly fix it up. Already new
    wheels, tires, suspension and brand new paint job. I love my crx and
    hope to keep it forever. Also, no car payments and the insurance is
    really low.
    Andy Weaks, Oct 20, 2005
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