No Auto-Preset option on 1999 Honda Accords

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Moses Chung, Sep 9, 2003.

  1. Moses Chung

    Moses Chung Guest

    Does anyone know why there's no auto-preset option on the newer Honda
    Accord radios? I looked on the stereo as well as through the owner
    manual and I could find no mention of it. The reason why I ask is
    that I just came back from a trip (I drive an '89 Honda Accord) and I
    used the auto-preset button to change the radio stations. Very
    convenient feature when you're on the road. But my girlfriend's car
    doesn't seem to have that feature. Am I missing something? Is it
    there and I just can't see it? Under a different name perhaps? If
    anyone could shed some light on this issue, I'd really appreciate it.

    Moses Chung, Sep 9, 2003
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