No heat, until driving it for 3 miles

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by DiabolicBaby, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. DiabolicBaby

    DiabolicBaby Guest

    Ok, So, first, if this answer to my question is really easy, forgive

    About 3 weeks ago, I noticed that when I turned on my heat, it
    wouldn’t come. So, I checked my coolant (yes, I can do that) and it
    was bone-dry. So, I filled it. And, it kind’ve worked again,
    however, it didn’t kick in until I had been driving the car for about
    3 miles. Then that night, I got back into my car after work, and no
    heat again. When I got home, I checked, and again, my coolant was
    dry. So, I filled that up again, and looked under my car, and I saw
    an almost steady stream of the yummy antifreeze creating a puddle
    under my car. I’ve been checking everyday since then, and usually, I
    would have to fill it every 2 days, or so. However, this is day 4 of
    me not filling it, and it’s still full, I think it has a mind of its
    own. I bought a new water pump, as my mechanic said "it could be
    that," as he looked under my hood, and saw steam coming from where he
    said it was located. I haven’t had the chance to get that done yet
    though. So, my car, while warming it up, isn’t getting the heat I
    want it to, and doesn’t usually warm up for a couple of miles. Can
    anyone tell me if it does sound like a water pump problem??? Or does
    it sound like something else?
    DiabolicBaby, Jan 25, 2007
  2. DiabolicBaby

    jim beam Guest

    first things first - identify the source of the leak. proper
    inspection. after that, and when you're not losing coolant, /then/
    worry about the heat. chances are, the problem will have gone away.
    jim beam, Jan 25, 2007
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