No problema!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John McGaw, Oct 12, 2006.

  1. John McGaw

    John McGaw Guest


    No problema dude. I'll take care of the surgery for you -- no money
    needed. I've read up on the techniques and have a scalpel and some other
    tools soaking in alcohol to get ready. I'm sure that some other folks
    who have been annoyed by your spamming would be willing to help out --
    anybody have a fresh loop on their chainsaw? Mine is probably too dull
    to do a good job cracking the ribcage...
    John McGaw, Oct 12, 2006
  2. John McGaw

    oklaman Guest

    If you need assistance I can be of a lot of help.

    I once operated on my own heart. The worst part is the messy blood.

    My suggestion is to drain all blood before proceeding.

    No problema dude. I'll take care of the surgery for you -- no money
    needed. I've read up on the techniques and have a scalpel and some other
    tools soaking in alcohol to get ready. I'm sure that some other folks
    who have been annoyed by your spamming would be willing to help out --
    anybody have a fresh loop on their chainsaw? Mine is probably too dull
    to do a good job cracking the ribcage...
    oklaman, Oct 13, 2006
  3. John McGaw

    dwight Guest

    Hey, laugh all you want. I'm wondering how Mr. Birth Defect with the hole in
    his heart managed to make it this long.

    It's a miracle, I tells ya.

    dwight, Oct 13, 2006
  4. John McGaw

    Earle Horton Guest

    "No hay problema" would be better Spanish, but I am fully "de acuerdo con
    estos sentimientos".

    Earle Horton, Oct 13, 2006
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