noise when start 2000 honda accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by hchen5965, Mar 1, 2006.

  1. hchen5965

    hchen5965 Guest

    I have a Honda Accord EX 2000, 4 cylinder 2.3L engine, 5 spd manual
    shift. Recently, a funny noise like "konjiji" sound was heard when I
    start the car most of times. Also, this noise can be heard when I shift
    to 1st gear for stop and go before the traffic light. The noise will
    disappear after the speed > 5 mph. Not sure what cause this. Anyone
    with similiar experience and know what cause this. Thanks.
    hchen5965, Mar 1, 2006
  2. --------------------------

    Sorry, never saw the movie "konjiji". All hondas go BrrrrrrrrrrrClick
    when you first turn the ignition on, (fuel rail pressurizing) and many
    go BzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzT when you exceed about 15 Km / Hr as the ABS
    pressurizes, and some go CLAAACK!! when you stop at the first light
    (brake pads getting seated).

    There's a lockout solonoid in your steering mechanism that prevents you
    from putting it into / out of PARK if you don't push the brake pedal.
    If you run the stereo louder, it goes away. Try and look for

    'Curly Q. Links', Mar 2, 2006
  3. hchen5965

    Remco Guest

    One of the belts, probably. Check the tension.
    It could be that the abrupt change in engine speed causes the belt to

    Remco, Mar 2, 2006
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