Noise when using fan or A/C?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by accord_owner, Sep 14, 2004.

  1. accord_owner

    accord_owner Guest

    I have a 97 Accord. Whenever I turn on the fan (the A/C button is already
    depressed), I hear a noise coming from the right side of the car. When I turn
    the fan off, the noise takes a few seconds to die down and then finally
    disappears. When I turn the fan back on, the noise starts up again. It's
    tough to describe this noise in words. Any idea what it could be?
    accord_owner, Sep 14, 2004
  2. accord_owner

    Abeness Guest

    Is it kind of a rustling noise? Possibly leaves/debris that made its way
    into your blower motor housing. Dealer here in NYC wants ~$140 to get it
    out of a new-to-me '94 Civic, perhaps because the evaporator apparently
    must be removed (and the refrigerant recovered) before one can get at
    the blower unit. Sure wish it had been designed differently... I'd like
    to do it myself!
    Abeness, Sep 14, 2004
  3. accord_owner

    motsco_ _ Guest


    _If_ your accord has a changeable CABIN FILTER, get the instructions off
    the web, and pick up a filter and swap it yourself. You may find a pile
    of leaves, or maybe a mouse nest in there. An air hose would be good to
    have available, as well as a bit of coat hanger for reaching in there to
    clean out debris.

    motsco_ _, Sep 14, 2004
  4. accord_owner

    Chip Stein Guest

    the fan is full of crap. 97 didn't have a cabin air filter.
    pull the blower motor out and get the leaves out of it.
    Chip Stein, Sep 15, 2004
  5. accord_owner

    Abeness Guest

    Chip, is there any chance of doing it in a '94 Civic with A/C, *without*
    having to break the A/C system open?

    Abeness, Sep 15, 2004
  6. accord_owner

    Rivergoat Guest

    This all sounds like what I heard in my '90 Prelude. It seems the
    screen vent under the cowl had been chewed by a mouse, a lot of debris
    had fallen in the blower's round fan (maybe even mouse parts, I
    couldn't tell). I replaced the cowl screen and cleaned out the blower
    motor, including opening up the motor itself and blasting all the dirt
    out with an electrical cleaner. I also replaced the blower brushes
    ($20 vs what Honda says when they want to sell you a $300 motor). Some
    months later the blower resistor pack also failed, so I recently
    replaced that as well...
    Rivergoat, Sep 15, 2004
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