Nose Bra

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by DBoyd, Aug 13, 2003.

  1. DBoyd

    DBoyd Guest

    Just bought last week a 03 Accord with a nose bra. After reading the
    stories in this newsgroup concerning the probs
    I took it back to the dealer. You should of heard the whining and
    complaining from them that they did not take back
    merchandise (foreign concept) and that they had never heard of probs with
    the 'bras'. I finally did get my money back.

    Funny observation......When I was dealing and signing for the car I was
    addressed as sir or mister so and so.....Today the best
    I got from the dealership was 'some guy' wants to return
    merchandise.......My father in law was dealers and dealerships
    not human.

    Fredericksburg, VA
    DBoyd, Aug 13, 2003
  2. DBoyd

    Brian Smith Guest

    Best way to look at this situation is; if a car salesman's lips are moving,
    he's not telling the truth.
    Brian Smith, Aug 13, 2003
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