Note to Curly

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jason, Apr 25, 2005.

  1. Jason

    Jason Guest

    I realize that we have covered this same subject in the past but I seem to
    recall that you stated that you have access to the latest information that
    Honda states related to when to have various items serviced. Perhaps you
    can tell me and hundreds of others that have 1998 and 1999 Honda Accords
    (4 cyld) what Honda now states regarding these questions:

    How often should the valves be adjusted?

    How often should the timing belt be changed and the water pump replaced?

    How often should the gas filter be changed?

    Thanks in advance,
    Jason, Apr 25, 2005
  2. Jason

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Nope, wasn't me . . . I just said the European version of the (first
    generation) CR-V owner's manual says to adjust the valves every 50,000Km
    (30,000 miles) You must have been thinking of somebody else . .

    motsco_ _, Apr 26, 2005
  3. Jason

    Jason Guest

    Sorry. I was under the impression that you had access to some special
    Honda data base or special website where you could find out that sort of
    information. I already have most of the data that I need thanks to Tegger.
    Jason, Apr 26, 2005
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