Nothing can go worgn.....CASH FOR CLUNKERS CHAOS

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by C. E. White, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. I don't see the "competition" you seem to think exists. My "company",
    the state gvt, offers several health care options but they are all
    essentially the same and they all cost exactly the same. The only
    thing I really get to choose is to see if my current doctors are in a
    particular companies network. That's it, that's the only "choice" I'm
    making. I would suspect private companies that offer health care do
    the same, they look for the cheapest thing they can find and then the
    employees take it or leave it... you call that a choice??? What is
    guaranteed to happen if we do nothing is that health care costs will
    continue to rise at a rate way beyond inflation and in a few years our
    "choice" will be to pick a bare bones coverage or nothing at all while
    the insurance and drug companies continue to stay fat and happy.
    Ashton Crusher, Aug 28, 2009

  2. I think the present problem has little to do with gvt. It has
    everything to do with our health care system being third party pays.
    There is ZERO incentive for anyone with health coverage to try and
    keep costs down. They stub their toe and they want a full body CAT
    scan and the doctors don't want to say not due to malpractice
    concerns. And since the insurance company is the one paying the
    injured doesn't care what it cost and the doctor doesn't care what it
    costs. The reason you can afford to pay CASH for vet care for your
    pets is because YOU pay the bill directly. If most pets were covered
    by the kind of health insurance people are, the cost of vet care would
    most likely quadruple within 5 years.
    Ashton Crusher, Aug 28, 2009
  3. C. E. White

    Brent Guest

    Those two statements don't go together. The reason there is a third
    party system is because of the US federal tax code. In WW2 the federal
    government capped wages but allowed health insurance benefits and
    employers and employees got tax benefits from offering and taking them.
    That's how today's system started. So, yes, it has everything to do with
    the government.
    Do you really think 'free' healthcare paid by the government with money
    it takes from other people will convince people to watch their bills?
    HA! the only way government can keep costs down is to use either
    monopoly in health care or their monopoly on the legal use of violence
    to deny care where today's insurance can't do it because of law,
    lawsuit, or market pressure.
    Brent, Aug 28, 2009

  4. no you won't. They would only drop by 1.5%.
    Ashton Crusher, Aug 28, 2009
  5. That's just rationalizing to make the gvt the bogeyman. Even allowing
    that it started that way, when it started it was not the money pit it
    now is. The CURRENT problem is not due to gvt, it is due to it being
    third party pays. Just like with a car warranty. When you know
    something is covered under the warranty, with the repairs paid by the
    third party, the owner doesn't really care what it costs and the
    repair shop has no incentive to try and save the customer a nickel.
    The ONLY one of the three parties with an immediate interest in
    keeping costs down is the insurance company. That's to max their
    profits and keep the policy affordable. Now move to health insurance,
    where the bulk of the premium is paid not by the employee, but by the
    employer, and none of the three parties (insured, insurer, health care
    provider) has much incentive to keep costs down. the employer would
    like costs to stay low, but they are not even in the decision chain on
    what will be provided and for how much.
    No. Why would anyone think that.
    Gvt can keep costs down by creating a structure that doesn't have 15%
    of the premiums going to overhead and admin and another 5 to 15% going
    to profits. Other countries have gotten rid of the profit part and
    reduced teh overhead to around 5%. Gvt could also limit lawsuits but
    that's only 1.5% of costs so it's really not a big deal.
    Ashton Crusher, Aug 28, 2009
  6. C. E. White

    SMS Guest

    Plus you'd have a lot more dead people.

    It's always amusing to see people fall for the lawyer bashing that is
    promoted by the corporations and organizations that are sued the most,
    with good reason.

    They think that saying "tort reform" makes them knowledgeable about the
    issue. It doesn't. These are the same clueless people that were so quick
    to jump on the bandwagon criticizing the jury that awarded the woman
    damages in the McDonald's coffee case.
    SMS, Aug 28, 2009
  7. C. E. White

    Brent Guest

    No. It's how we ended up with 'health insurance' that covered even the
    basics being employer provided.
    The government, through medicare and other programs controls an enormous
    percentage of the healthcare market. Somehwhere around 50% give or take
    a little. I've heard 47-51%.
    Then costs will not be controlled. It will have the same problem that
    you say is today's problem.
    LOL. What in the US federal government runs as lean as 15% overhead?
    Your 'successful' cash for clunkers program seems to be running around
    33% overhead.
    Brent, Aug 28, 2009
  8. that's nothing but wild speculation by some former gvt employee and
    current whacked out right winger.
    Ashton Crusher, Aug 28, 2009
  9. C. E. White

    Brent Guest

    What I don't get is why people who fully understand what scams the
    government does with regards to speeding and other traffic tickets has
    even a tiny bit of trust for government in other areas.
    Brent, Aug 28, 2009
  10. Bingo. That was bad, but when they later required HMO plans to be
    offered, it became worse. At least with the old 80/20 plans patients
    saw _some_ part of the bill, proportionate to the actual cost.
    Matthew Russotto, Aug 28, 2009
  11. I can only speak for myself but I don't lump everything having to do
    with "government" into one big pot and then damn all of it. You won't
    find anyplace in the world where there are more then a few
    hundred/thousand people concentrated in pockets where those people
    have not formed a gvt. So it should be pretty clear that when it
    comes to humans and their social interactions the natural state is to
    have some form of gvt. It's also clear to most people that there
    simply is no way to have a gvt without ceding to it some power over
    "the people". For gvt to work it has to have some degree of power,
    including the ability to tax and spend. So when you rant and rave and
    indicate that the only acceptable form of gvt would be one that is
    powerless to do ANYTHING that you personally don't agree with there is
    no way to take you seriously. I have this discussion all the time
    with other, more "pure" libertarians. This is why the libertarian
    party has not and most likely will not, ever accomplish much or win
    many converts. It makes for fun discussions, but while they are
    discussing, the reps and dems are running things.
    Ashton Crusher, Aug 28, 2009
  12. C. E. White

    Brent Guest

    So you believe that those in government will steal only on traffic
    tickets but not the billions of health care? It doesn't make much sense.
    Theives steal when they have the opertunity.

    ? You won't
    Most governments aren't formed by the people, they are criminal gangs
    warlords and the like that have installed themselves as governments.
    Governments that are formed by people are often taken over by such.
    No. The natural state is not to have someone using a monopoly on legal
    violence managing your life.
    It would help if you didn't create easy arguments and assign them to me.
    I didn't say anything of that regard, nor do I have anything I want
    government to steal from other people to give to me.

    If you look at what I 'want government to do' it is to get its nose out
    of things. To shrink, to go away, to mind its own business instead of
    telling people how to live and sending their jack booted thugs to
    enforce it.
    Yes, a one party system of theives and control freaks.
    Brent, Aug 28, 2009
  13. Have you participated in gvt in anyway other then living here? Have
    you served in any elective or appointed office? Have you worked in
    any responsible positions in gvt? Do you know any elected officials
    personally? Does anyone in your family work for gvt?

    I ask because it's hard to believe anyone could actually believe that
    the only people in gvt are thieves out to steal from you. Do you hold
    the same opinion of people working for private companies? Are all
    private company owners and employees all just a bunch of thieves out
    to steal from you? Can I assume you work either for yourself or for a
    private company? If so, what's your "goal", i.e. is your goal to make
    as much money as you can or what?
    Ashton Crusher, Aug 29, 2009
  14. C. E. White

    Brent Guest

    I am not going to follow that lead. It's bogus and you damn well know
    it. Including the strawmen you made.

    I'm sorry you don't see how government systems operate. I simply kept
    seeing the traffic ticket model again and again and again until I no
    longer believed a word of what I was told. So I looked again and again
    hoping that something would be different, but each time it was the same
    old thing.... just another way of using the political power, the force,
    etc to enrich some people at the expense of others.
    Brent, Aug 29, 2009

  15. Because most guv'ment endeavors are a recipe for failure.

    As I understand it, a dealer must complete IIRC a thirteen page form for
    each vehicle traded in under the clunker scheme.

    That alone is illustrative on just how inept our bureaucrats have
    become. Certainly, a simplified single page form would have worked better.

    I have no faith in ANYTHING the guv'ment does. But that's just me...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Aug 29, 2009

  16. You always avoid walking the talk. Here you do it again. What are
    you afraid of? Those are honest questions that IF you were
    intellectually honest you would be able to answer. Your failure to do
    so speaks volumes about the depth of your knowledge.
    Ashton Crusher, Aug 29, 2009
  17. C. E. White

    Brent Guest

    LOL. I have to answer your loaded personal questions? That's absurd.
    The reality is that you cannot defend your pro-government power views
    and decided that I should be the target. Sorry, I'm not gonna play that.

    BTW, here's another example of how government works to 'protect' us.

    First, suppliers to big toy companies have poor quality control in china
    (shock!) and the the big toy companies have to do recalls. So what
    happens? Big toy companies and their lobbiests decide there needs to be
    regulation. So regulation is drafted that really puts the screws to the
    small toy manufacturers with expensive testing requirements. The big
    guys like mattel can afford it. The little guys who don't have this
    cheap low grade contaminated material problem from china because they
    don't make their toys in china, can't afford it. Now the government
    turns around and decides that Mattel doesn't even have to do the
    expensive third party testing.

    That is how government works in the USA. For the connected, by the
    connected. Free market? Can't have any of that.
    Brent, Aug 29, 2009

  18. Not sure what your complaint is about since the whole point of the law
    was to ensure testing is done so contaminated products don't get
    imported and that's what Mattel is doing. Mattel has developed a
    system that does exactly that. You seem to be objecting to the fact
    that Mattel has it's own laboratories which are able to run the tests
    so they don't have to pay an outside lab to run them. They are doing
    the required tests. That's what the law requires.

    If the gvt had refused to let them do these tests with their own
    labs you'd be screaming about how bad gvt is because it refuses to
    allow a company to save some money but thru stupid laws forced them to
    spend extra money on an outside lab to duplicate what they could have
    done themselves. This is a perfect example of how irrational you are
    about the gvt.

    Are you implying that Mattel is falsifying the lab results? And if
    so, are you alleging that it's a company policy to falsify them or are
    you alledging that it's not a company policy but that the workers in
    the lab will falsify them anyway just because they think they'll get
    fired if they don't. Or what is it that bothers you about this???
    This is a perfect example of the free market response to a gvt safety
    mandate and yet you complain about it. You complain about everything
    connected to the gvt simply because it's connected to the gvt.
    Ashton Crusher, Aug 29, 2009
  19. C. E. White

    Brent Guest

    You just don't get it at all do you. Maybe I can make one last attempt
    to explain it to you. You know of DRL's right? Remember when GM bought a
    company that made them? What did GM do after that? It wrote up a
    regulation to make DRLs required equipment and lobbied for it. Why do
    you think it did that? For our safety (even though there isn't
    anything that shows it makes us safer) or because it could meet the
    regulation at a lower cost than its competition?

    Oh, and it's really funny given your views of private business that
    you'd trust mattel's testing. You're just looking for ways to
    rationalize the state so your world view doesn't come crashing down.
    It's clear doublethink since you are fully aware of what government does
    in the area of driving and motor vehicles.

    BTW, I came across this:
    Brent, Aug 29, 2009
  20. Yes, I'm sure GM went thru the trouble of buying a company, then
    lobbying for a DRL law, all in the quest to stave off bankruptcy
    because in doing those things they would save 0.50 per car compared to
    other makers because they could do DRLs at a lower cost then other
    makers. Yeah, that makes perfect sense. You've convinced me.

    Do you bother reading what I write before you fantasize what you need
    to believe? I'd love smaller, less intrusive gvt. But you can't seem
    to separate the wheat from the chaff. Not EVERYTHING gvt does is bad
    bad bad. Without having a lot more info I can't say I definitively
    trust Mattel's testing but I do know that it's certainly possible to
    set up a testing program where you can guard against fraud. If
    Mattel has done that, more power to them.
    Hardly doublethink. I know it's not a perfect world but I don't
    condemn EVERY gvt action because SOME of them are wrong.
    Ashton Crusher, Aug 30, 2009
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