Now here's a cool car

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by boyari2, Apr 1, 2010.

  1. boyari2

    Stewart Guest

    Left wing socialist alert!

    And to keep it on topic.....what type of Honda do you own?
    Stewart, Apr 5, 2010
  2. boyari2

    gl4317 Guest

    Nah, we socialists only drive Volvo 240s and read misc.transport.rail.americas.
    (To which I am still trying to figure out why this thread is posted).
    gl4317, Apr 5, 2010
  3. boyari2

    N8N Guest

    Can't find the original BBC news article any longer... Long story
    short, I traded the car back to JDP as part of the deal to get my
    current '55; he sold it to a gentleman in England, and when the car
    was damaged in shipment he sent it to a classic car restoration place
    in Bristol to be fully restored. Then the fireworks warehouse next
    door blew up...

    I believe the car mentioned in the second link is another GH which the
    same guy bought as a replacement.

    it's especially sad because I happened to work on a car one serial
    number away from and similarly optioned to mine, which is currently
    owned by Brian Scott unless he's sold it and I didn't hear, so Brian's
    car is now missing its "twin..."

    N8N, Apr 5, 2010
  4. boyari2

    WindsorFox Guest

    Does it matter???


    "You show me ONE poster who says you have even one part
    per million of a good name, and I'll show you a sock." - Bill
    "the Roadie" Carton
    WindsorFox, Apr 5, 2010
  5. boyari2

    Stewart Guest

    Absolutely not.
    Stewart, Apr 6, 2010

  6. I remember the '56 being traded back to JP. I thought that you had
    parted with the '55 also...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 6, 2010

  7. Though not addressed to me... I only own ancient Hondas. I refuse to
    own any car with a computer, check engine light and air bags all over
    the place.

    Hence, 1983 is my cutoff year..

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 6, 2010

  8. What???

    No Prius or Smaht Kahs???

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 6, 2010
  9. boyari2

    gl4317 Guest

    Ha! Those are only driven by wanna-be socialists. Too much computer
    technology, and made by corporations. The most advanced technology
    allowed near the homes of true socialists are the products of the Soviet
    Diesel Computer Cooperative.
    gl4317, Apr 6, 2010
  10. boyari2

    N8N Guest

    Nope, I still have it, I just have really slowed down working on it
    because my job has become much more demanding... and fortunately or
    unfortunately depending on your perspective, it pays better than
    working on old Studebakers.

    The upside is that now I have the disposable income to buy whatever
    parts I need; the downside is that it takes me a while to get around
    to doing something with them.

    N8N, Apr 6, 2010
  11. boyari2

    Nate Nagel Guest

    yes and no. The stock '62 4-speed driveshaft didn't come close to
    working. I had one made slightly smaller but it still kisses the right
    side of the tunnel. next project is to slot the holes in the
    crossmember slightly to try to tweak the tailshaft over a hair - it's
    that close that I think it might work, combined with traction bars to
    keep the pinion from lifting.

    I'd think that a sedan driveshaft would be shorter - not so? In any
    case whatever the length of my shaft is, it's pushing the limits for a
    single piece shaft of that diameter. It really ought to be a two piece
    shaft, but I'm still waiting for a T-85/OD to fall into my lap as I have
    the proper driveshaft and x-member stashed away, as well as a 3-speed
    steering column.

    Nate Nagel, Apr 7, 2010

  12. Yep, you better work all the hours you can while the "gettin's" is good.

    Anyway, the '55 is definitely a "kewel" car... Probably the most
    streamamlined other than the Avanti.

    I'm still hopin' to make the '55 Prez sedan a driver in the not too
    distant future. I'm going to a '59 259/Flight-O-Matic.

    Did you succeed with installing a single driveshaft? I'm thinking of
    doing so but the shaft for a sedan would be about 4-5" longer than the
    coupe and don't know whether it would clear the tunnel OK.

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 7, 2010

  13. Yep, you better work all the hours you can while the "gettin's" good.

    Anyway, the '55 is definitely a "kewel" car... Probably the most
    streamamlined other than the Avanti.

    I'm still hopin' to make the '55 Prez sedan a driver in the not too
    distant future. I'm going to a '59 259/Flight-O-Matic.

    Did you succeed with installing a single driveshaft? I'm thinking of
    doing so but the shaft for a sedan would be about 4-5" longer than the
    coupe and don't know whether it would clear the tunnel OK.

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 7, 2010

  14. No, the engine in the sedans fits about five inches further to the
    front. Shorter hood but same wheelbase as the coupe which requires a
    longer driveshaft.

    As I understand it, all 1958 sedan models had the same single driveshaft
    but I also believe that the tunnel was modified to accommodate this.

    Maybe I just need to stay with the double driveshaft.

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 7, 2010
  15. boyari2

    Stewart Guest

    Good year. I've had a 79 and 82 accords over the years...can't kill
    'em, even if you want to (the 82 I gave to my brother in law, and now
    my nephew drives it).
    Stewart, Apr 8, 2010
  16. boyari2

    Stewart Guest

    I like the all electrics to reduce "carbon footprint". plug 'em in to
    an outlet fed by coal burning power generation......
    Stewart, Apr 8, 2010
  17. boyari2

    dgk Guest

    Right, but the question is how to best deliver people where they want
    to go with the least harmful impact on the environment. Is that a bad

    Hopefully electric cars are part of the solution, and the electricity
    can be produced by a cleaner method than coal.
    dgk, Apr 8, 2010
  18. Nope, not a bad goal at all but... Any big advance in technology will
    come from innovation from the private sector, not guv'ment mandate. It
    always has and always will. Guv'ment is nothing but a giant
    interference entity.

    Sure, a hundred nuke plants would be a great intermediate solution until
    new technologies can be developed. But no one wants such in "their"

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 9, 2010
  19. boyari2

    Bob Willard Guest

    It is OK to be grumpy, Grumpy, but the above is a half-truth. While
    most of the big advances in technology do, as you say, come from the
    private sector, many of those biggies were the result, direct or
    indirect, of gov't funding. Networking and semiconductors and
    computers come to mind. And, since this is a car-focused NG, let
    me add that many of the advances under the hood are based on
    computers or semiconductors; technologies that were, in turn,
    greatly pushed by gov't funding.

    Now it is my turn to be grumpy, by opining that -- at least in
    the US -- the private non-pharma sector is so intently focused
    on short-term ROI, that it is incapable of adequately funding
    the long-term R&D needed to achieve those great leaps forward.
    And that is why gov't funding, to the private sector and to
    universities, can lead to real technological progress.

    Admittedly, it is easy to find examples of gov't funding that
    is wasteful and weird. But, in the large-cap end of the
    private sector, spending that is wasteful and/or political is
    also pretty common. Gov't folks do not have exclusive rights
    to insanity or inanity.

    {Caveat: in the first few and in the last few years of my
    four-decade career in computer engineering, my paycheck was
    dependent upon gov't contracts. Yes, *that* gov't.}
    Bob Willard, Apr 9, 2010
  20. boyari2

    N8N Guest

    N8N, Apr 9, 2010
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