[QUOTE="K-town"] Thanx for all the advice, folks. I appreciate it. I'll vote for saving money and stick with regular unleaded (87 octane) from now on. On this note, I have one other question:[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Does gasoline lose its potency if it sits for awhile?[/QUOTE] yes. it will sour, turning into a substance not unlike varnish. but this can take a long time. stale gas is a problem when you take your snowblower out after 10 months of dormancy. [QUOTE] The reason I ask is because I notice that when my tank runs almost on "E" and I refuel, my car seems to be more responsive and run a little smoother. Does a fuller tank cause better fuel delivery somehow, or what? (I'm thinking the level of fuel in the tank shouldn't matter...that's what a fuel pressure regulator is for...to keep the fuel pressure constant) Why does it seem to run a little better right after I refuel, regardless of brand of gas?[/QUOTE] it just seems to run better. at least as far as the gas goes. you might other motor issues though. i cant think of any, but as far as the gasoline goes, it is not going to cause any difference between weekly fill ups.