
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rich, Aug 25, 2003.

  1. Rich

    Rich Guest

    I realize it is illegal, unmoral and I know how I would feel if i bought a
    car with mis-representated mileage, so let's avoid plugging up this thread
    with comments of the such.

    I am about to lease a 2003 Honda Civic SIG 5 speed. My question is this:
    Is there a way to install a switch, or unhook the odometer (before the
    computer) so mileage is not recorded on the odometer or on the computer
    itself? I know a couple of people who have done such a thing to domestic
    vehicles and have had great success. Any suggestions, words of caution or
    directions to where I may find such discussions is greatly appreciated.


    Rich, Aug 25, 2003
  2. Rich

    Paul Guest

    Let's see, that would amount to aiding and abetting a crime... Pass.

    Paul, Aug 26, 2003
  3. Rich

    Patch Guest

    sausage. He took it home & very carefully skinned it. He ate the contents &
    used the skin as a condom. He then returned it to Deli saying it was spoiled
    & got his money back.

    Don't be such a tightwad.
    Patch, Aug 27, 2003
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