Odor of gas? ? ?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Ray, Feb 4, 2005.

  1. Ray

    Ray Guest

    My 2001 Honda with 40,000 miles has developed a smell of gasoline. Not
    strong to seem dangerous, but strong enough to be bothersome.

    This developed during a prolonged cold spell, in case that might have
    something to do with it.

    The car has been well-serviced from the start.

    Can anyone tell me what might cause this?
    Ray, Feb 4, 2005
  2. Ray

    Eric Guest

    Could need a tune up, checking spark plug gap, timing, possibly valves
    not seating properly, run a fuel injection or carbuerator cleaner with a
    high octain fuel then take for a long drive. Not burning all the fuel.
    If this is not the case then could be cracked lines and or filter due
    to water in fuel. I would test by starting vehicle in a dry area, let
    run for a couple of minutes, not long enough to warm up, and move the
    car, then check the area for leaks, this would tell you if and where a
    leak may generally be located. You don't want it to be in an enclosed
    area because of the fumes, but a dry area to see what if anything hits
    the floor.
    Eric, Feb 4, 2005
  3. Ray

    Ray Guest

    Thanks Eric -- I'll try that suggestion.

    As for tune-up, I had a substantial 30,000 mile servicing at the Honda
    agency -- costing $350 -- within the past year. I shouldn't think it needs
    any significant servicing at this time.

    -- Ray
    Ray, Feb 4, 2005
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