Odyssey floor leak under driver's feet? Anybody encountered this?

Discussion in 'Odyssey' started by KWW, Dec 8, 2004.

  1. KWW

    KWW Guest

    When it rains, my wife's '97 Odyssey, (sunroof, AC, Auto, etc) has been
    getting a wet spot on the driver's carpet, about 4" in from the side, right
    in the middle of the floor. Odd place for a wet spot. No leaks around the
    door, not there from wet feet. Anybody run across anything like this? The
    car "lives in North TX, so I don't suspect rust holes. Thought I'd tap the
    collective consciousness of RAMH.

    KWW, Dec 8, 2004
  2. KWW

    Hugh Graham Guest

    I believe the sunroof has drain holes that can become clogged. Open the
    sunroof and see if you can locate them. I think that you can then take some
    compressed air and blow out the clog.

    Good luck,

    Hugh Graham
    Hugh Graham, Dec 8, 2004
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