Odyssey Loud Wind Whistle!

Discussion in 'Odyssey' started by Jim W, Dec 31, 2003.

  1. Jim W

    Jim W Guest

    HELP! We just got back from a Christmas vacation and were almost
    driven out of our minds with a very loud wind whistle at speeds over
    50, particularly with head or side winds blowing - which we
    encountered all the way to our destination! We could not listen to the
    radio or CDs because of the noise.

    We have a 2002 Honda Odyssey EX purchased in March 2002. The problem
    has always been with this vehicle (our 2000 Odyssey did not have the

    The whistle (read loud NOISE) is a flute-like "Whoooooooooooo" at what
    we estimate to be a pitch of about "G" above "Middle C" appearing to
    come from the driver's pillar between the driver's window and the

    As I said, it really gets going at speeds over 50 with a head or side
    wind. The only way we could get to stop was to open the driver's
    window about 2". Not too good in cold weather.

    I have tried duct tape over almost all possible cracks and crevasses
    along the door opening, side-view mirror, and under the hood on that
    side of the car - all to no avail.

    Has anyone had a similar problem? Were you able to fix it?

    I'm sure the local Honda dealer would have a field day with this
    problem! I'll try to stay away from them if at all possible!

    Jim W
    Jim W, Dec 31, 2003
  2. http://www.odyclub.com
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Dec 31, 2003
  3. Jim W

    Chip Stein Guest

    We have a 2002 Honda Odyssey EX purchased in March 2002. The problem

    the rubber moulding around the windshield is known for this. put
    masking tape over it and see if it cures it. if it does get some trim
    adhesive, cut the inner lip off and glue it down.
    good idea not taking it to the dealer, the don't like dealing with
    those, it's always a sticky pain in the ass.
    Chip Stein, Jan 1, 2004
  4. Jim W

    Jim W Guest


    Today is about 85 here in Hendersonville, NC! Pretty warm for the 3rd
    of July. Anyway, my wife said why don't you fire up the leaf blower
    and play wind-tunnel with the car.

    She sat inside and I hefted the (electric) blower hrer and there
    around the offending area.

    I was just about to give up when I while I was blowing at the side of
    the driver's pillar, I saw the rubber moulding start to flutter and my
    wife started to make frantic hand signals. I had foud something, but
    the main culprit was about 6" higher up. When I moved the air stream
    up, we found the "G" above "Middle C" Whooooooooo.

    Now that I see the location I also see what you mean about cutting off
    the inner lip. It would be Very difficult to try to "glue" the edge of
    strip down and get the inner flap in place at the same time.

    Did you just lift the outter edge of the strip and reach in with
    x-acto knife and cut off the inner flap? Let me know the details if
    you would.

    I very much appreciate your answering my call for HELP!

    Yo did good!

    Happy New Year from two NOW very happy Odyssey owners!!!!

    Jim & Mage
    Jim W, Jan 3, 2004
  5. Jim W

    Jim W Guest

    Thanks for the heads up on the Odyssey Club Web site!

    Chip's suggestion did the trick.

    Happy New Year!

    Jim W, Jan 3, 2004
  6. Jim W

    Gus Guest

    You've discovered the secret to time travel? ;)
    Gus, Jan 4, 2004
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