Odyssey Oil/Antifreeze leak

Discussion in 'Odyssey' started by bobzel, Apr 28, 2007.

  1. bobzel

    bobzel Guest

    I have a '95 Honda Odyssey and I just had an oil change about two weeks
    ago. The other day I noticed a burning smell and saw some oil leaking
    onto the exhaust from below the oil filter. I took it back to the shop
    and they showed me that the oil leak appeared to becoming from behind
    the *back* of the housing that the oil filter attaches. They tried
    replacing a gasket or something at the back of the oil filter housing,
    as well as replacing the oil filter. However, when I drove it home from
    the shop, I got more smoke than ever and had a very serious drip
    (drizzle) of antifreeze from about the same location. Since they said
    they didn't think that they had completely fixed the oil leak, I'm
    guessing that leak is still there as well.

    Before I take it back to the shop, does anyone have an idea of what
    they might have screwed up??
    bobzel, Apr 28, 2007
  2. The part that the oil filter screws on is actually an oil cooler.
    Engine coolant enters and exits through hoses attached to pipes on the
    periphery of the cylindrical oil cooler. There is a gasket between
    the oil cooler and the engine block. I have never heard of this
    assembly failing and the fact that it started right after an oil
    change makes me suspicious. The fact that it is now leaking coolant
    in addition to the oil leak being worse after they replaced the gasket
    is not helping.

    Regardless of what caused the problem, you need to get this to a
    competent mechanic NOW before you destroy the engine.
    Gordon McGrew, Apr 29, 2007
  3. bobzel

    Woody Guest

    That oil leak is a common problem on stage 1 Odysseys. It is an o ring seal
    and deteriates over time. The van is 12 years old. Any tile you move
    anything to repair a problem you are subject to things like old hoses
    cracking. This is the fault of the owner not replacing brittle and worn
    parts as they age. For more information on the Odyssey search the forum at
    Woody, Apr 29, 2007
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