Odyssey reliability?

Discussion in 'Odyssey' started by wdb, Sep 14, 2003.

  1. wdb

    wdb Guest

    Hi all,
    I am thinking of purchasing a used (2000 - 2001) Odyssey and was
    wondering how reliable these vehicles are. I will use this van for work
    and it will be hauling about 250 lbs of tools and parts. I drive about
    30K a year and hope to keep the vehicle for 4 - 5 years. So, I was
    wondering if hte Odyssey has a durable enough drive train to last up to
    150K without needing anything major like a transmission, engine, or
    major suspension parts (other then the normal strut / shock
    replacements) I have read a few posts about transmission problems, tire
    wear problems and poor fuel economy (13 - 15 mpg). Are transmission
    failures in 30K miles common? Is the 13 - 15 mpg figure the norm or do
    most people with these vans get 18 - 25 mpg? Does anyone have a V6
    powered 1999 or newer Odyssey with high mileage and how has it
    performed? Since this vehicle is going to be used for my job, I can not
    have a vehicle that is going to be unreliable. These things are
    expencive used or new. I'm willing to pay the premium if the Odyssey can
    equal the reliability of Civics and Accords I have had or used. I'd
    rather have a Civic, but I need the room of a van. I am also looking at
    the Toyota van. Would this be a better choice then the Honda? I prefer
    the looks and feel of the Honda, but if the Toyota is more reliable, I
    would go with it since reliability is my major concern.
    Bill B.
    wdb, Sep 14, 2003
  2. wdb

    Ashfordcove Guest

    try this site:


    good luck
    Ashfordcove, Sep 15, 2003
  3. wdb

    wdb Guest

    I checked out that site and now I am a bit skeptical with respect to the
    Odyssey. Two things I can live without is a gas guzzeling vehicle (14 - 16
    mpg,, ouch) and a vehicle with transmission problems. Been there, done that
    with a Ford Windstar. Two trannies in 64K miles. But, I am seeing on that
    website that people are having the Odyssey transmissions fail as low as 17K
    miles. I don't know if this is common or not, but I have also read several
    posts about Honda V6 powered cars with automatics giving a ton of grief.
    Since I would use this vehicle for work as well as personal use, I can not
    have that much down time.
    The big thing is that I am not hearing from anyone with a 1999 - 2003 Odyssey
    who has over 100K miles on the thing. It makes me wonder if these vans hold up
    for the long haul. I thought it was one of the most comfortable, nicest
    handling mini vans I had ever driven, but if this one is as unreliable as the
    rest of the FWD vans, then I think I may well pass on it unless I hear that
    others are driving them over 100K without problems.
    Bill B.
    wdb, Sep 16, 2003
  4. wdb

    Mikey Guest

    As much as I love Hondas and swear by them. The tranny issue on Odysseys,
    Accord V6s and AcuraTLs leave me with a chill. In my book therefore I'd
    rather have a Sienna with a potential sludging engine. Why? If I change the
    oil frequent enough or use a top quality synthetic I get around the problem.
    With the Honda, that tranny design shortcoming cannot be countered
    effectively. My opinion.
    Mikey, Sep 17, 2003
  5. Hondas generally run 100K+ without a bit of problem. I had a 92 Civic
    that I passed to my nephew; 135K and still going strong.

    The transmission thing is absolutely a worry. But, they fixed it on 02
    and up models. If you can find an 02 or later that you like, don't
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Sep 17, 2003
  6. wdb

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    I only have 60,000 miles on my 01 EX Odyssey. I haven't had any
    problems yet. Of any sort.

    If you go to a site that is specifically for a vehicle, and that site
    has been in existence for a while, you will find stories, probably true
    stories, about failures. A disproportionate number of failure reports,
    because people with no problems tend not to seek out the forums for
    solving problems.

    If you wish to buy a vehicle that hasn't had failures, you need to buy a
    vehicle that has just been designed, and hasn't been sold yet. On the
    other hand, if you want a vehicle that has been sold, and hasn't had any
    problems, you'll need to relearn the fine art of walking.

    All you can deal with as a prospective buyer are the probabilities. The
    probability of an Odyssey being more reliable than any other van is
    fairly high; you're doing the right thing with the idea of researching,
    but you have to be able to properly interpret what you see and hear.

    I would highly recommend the Odyssey, and probably the Sienna.
    Certainly, if I were buying one today, it would be the 2004 Sienna, from
    what I've been able to glean about it. But I'm very happy with my
    Odyssey. By the way, I (actually, mostly my wife) have gotten a fairly
    consistent 21 mpg average over those 60,000 miles.

    Dave Kelsen
    Dave Kelsen, Sep 17, 2003
  7. wdb

    TomH Guest

    If reliability is your major concern, get the Toyota, but the Odyssey
    hasn't been too shabby, both are a magnitude better than the
    domestic brands. They did have some early problems with
    the transmission, that might be enough to make me go with the
    Toyota, but Toyota had some problems too. If you go looking
    at web sites looking for problems, you'll find them, guaranteed.
    Look at reliable sources, like consumer reports and take the stuff
    from the internet with a grain of salt. Personally, I'd buy the one
    that was the best deal and had proof of regular maintenance.

    TomH, Sep 19, 2003
  8. wdb

    RiCK Guest

    I think Elmo P. Shagnasty is the best damn name I've heard.
    RiCK, Sep 19, 2003
  9. wdb

    Scot Guest

    My family has an '01 ex with 55k miles on it. It has been such a good
    van that we bought a second one (kept the first one). I had heard
    about transmission problems, but have not had any myself. It is my
    understanding that Honda send out 100k mile warranty cards to Accord
    and Odyssey owners due to potential issues.

    Gas mileage is around 24 on the highway. Not too bad for a vehicle of
    this size.

    I like the Toyota, but with incentives, the Toyota was $6k more for a
    new model. The older Sienna is a smaller vehicle than the Honda.

    Good luck
    Scot, Sep 19, 2003
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