Oh my god! Oil on spark plug. Must be leaking bad!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Lee Leo, Aug 3, 2003.

  1. Lee Leo

    Lee Leo Guest

    89 Civic automatic 1.5L engine. I never had fix in any part of engine.
    Now I must fix now. I looked at spark plug conditions. I found the
    on #1, #2, #3 spark plug. #1 spark plug is all coated with oil. #2
    and #3 has
    a sort of drop of oil. I had replaced value cover gasket and with 2
    o-rings and 2 gammets. .Now I'm thinking that if there is no leaking
    on the edge
    of value cover gasket, gammet, and O-ring, it must be leaking around
    spark plug's o-ring. How hard is to replace spark plug's o-ring
    gasket? Does anyone
    Lee Leo, Aug 3, 2003
  2. Lee Leo

    Lee Leo Guest

    wrote in message
    I think I did replace that O-shape gaskets. But I did not replaced all
    4 of them. I thnink I replaced 2 or 3 gaskets. If this o-shape gasket
    is leaking,
    how can a oil could be find on the ignite tip. I mean the oil is
    dubbed little
    above ignite tip. I thought the leaking is somewhere beneath the
    firing chamber.
    Lee Leo, Aug 4, 2003
  3. Lee Leo

    TL Guest

    Are you finding oil on the top side of the plugs, or around the
    actual spark plug that extends into the cylinder. Very different
    TL, Aug 4, 2003
  4. Lee Leo

    Chip Stein Guest

    you need to replace the four in the valve cover and also the four
    under the rocker arm assembly. it's on the tips because the tubes are
    full and when you pull them out it runs down the plug hole.
    unless it's billowing white smoke all the time it's not coming from
    the combustion chamber.
    Chip Stein, Aug 5, 2003
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