Oil change issue...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Joe LaVigne, Sep 1, 2006.

  1. Joe LaVigne

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    Just got the oil changed for the first time on my 06 Si.

    When I got home, I looked at the receipt and noticed that they used 5w20
    instead of 5w30. it's not like it's printed on the oil cap or anything...

    Anyhow, I am going back tomorrow to make them do it right, but just for the
    interest of information, what would the negative effect of 5w20 be on the
    engine? Is it too thin for the performance motor?

    Thanks for whatever info I get...

    Joseph M. LaVigne

    http://www.thelavignefamily.us/MyPipePages/ - 9/1/2006 2:31:34 AM
    Tobacconist Brick and Mortar Database: http://bam.tobaccocellar.org/

    A clever person solves a problem.
    A wise person avoids it. -- Einstein
    Joe LaVigne, Sep 1, 2006
  2. Joe LaVigne

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    There is a difference, but you can't measure it. bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Sep 1, 2006
  3. 5w20 is the correct oil for most hondas.

    loewent via CarKB.com, Sep 1, 2006
  4. Joe LaVigne

    bobzee1 Guest

    check the owner's manual.

    bob z.
    bobzee1, Sep 1, 2006
  5. Joe LaVigne

    John Horner Guest

    Does the Si call for 5W-30? Honda is a little confusing in that they
    spec 5W-20 for most engines, but 5W-30 for some. I know that my Acura
    TSX calls for 5W-30 while the Accord says 5W-20. This makes me think
    that 5W-20 is borderline for Honda designs and that the high compression
    versions of their engines need 5W-30 for protection in extreme conditions.

    Remember that the oil has to be ready to handle mountain climbing with a
    full load on the hottest summer day.

    That said, if your Si calls for 5W-30 and they put in 5W-20 I would not
    be worried about it unless you have been doing full throttle blasts up a
    mountain range in 110 deg F conditions ... but I would make the dealer
    fix it.

    Personally I am running 5W-30 in the summer in our Accord and only using
    5W-20 in the winter.

    John Horner, Sep 1, 2006
  6. Joe LaVigne

    jim beam Guest

    a good quality 5w-20 is just dandy. i've used 5w-20 castrol in an older
    honda and oil consumption was almost zero compared to the same brand
    5w-30. that indicates better quality base oil so i don't think there's
    anything to be afraid of.
    jim beam, Sep 1, 2006
  7. Joe LaVigne

    Elle Guest

    Is the last sentence above sarcasm? In other words, does
    your Civic SI's oil cap actually have "5W30" printed on it?

    When posting to a technically oriented newsgroup, may I
    suggest leaving out the sarcasm, to expedite communications
    and quickly get you what you want?

    As others have pointed out, a number (all?) of the more
    recent Honda models specify 5W-20. I can't get a 2006 Civic
    Si owner's manual online at the moment, but the 2006 Accord
    owner's manual and the 2005 Civic SI owner's manual specify

    Time to break open and read your very own owner' manual. :)
    Elle, Sep 1, 2006
  8. I just got back from the Honda dealer, and noticed on the chart on the
    counter that the 2006 Civic is the only 21st Century Honda to take 5W-30
    instead of 5W-20. Well, the Insight takes 0W-20. Weird, huh?

    Michael Pardee, Sep 1, 2006
  9. Joe LaVigne

    Elle Guest

    Yessir. There has to be a rational explanation for the
    discrepancy, either in engine design, or perhaps Honda
    changed its mind mid-production.
    Elle, Sep 1, 2006
  10. Joe LaVigne

    John Horner Guest

    All of the Acuras call for 5W-30 even when similar engines in Honda are
    specified for 5W-20. I have always thought that this might be due to
    the higher compression ratios generally used in the Acura engines. High
    compression ratios mean higher bearing loads.

    Perhaps the 2006 Si uses an engine tuned more like an Acura motor.

    John Horner, Sep 2, 2006
  11. Joe LaVigne

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    But not for the Si...

    Joseph M. LaVigne

    http://www.thelavignefamily.us/MyPipePages/ - 9/3/2006 1:20:22 AM
    Tobacconist Brick and Mortar Database: http://bam.tobaccocellar.org/

    "I believe that pipe smoking contributes to a somewhat calm and objective
    judgment in all human affairs"

    -- Albert Einstein
    Joe LaVigne, Sep 3, 2006
  12. Joe LaVigne

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    I did. I didn't ask what the correct oil was, I asked what the effect of
    using the wrong one is...

    Joseph M. LaVigne

    http://www.thelavignefamily.us/MyPipePages/ - 9/3/2006 1:20:41 AM
    Tobacconist Brick and Mortar Database: http://bam.tobaccocellar.org/

    "(Tobacco is) a companion in solitude; it is a storehouse for reflection
    and gives time for the fumes of wrath to disperse."

    -Japanese author
    Joe LaVigne, Sep 3, 2006
  13. Joe LaVigne

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    Yeah, the Si calls for 5w-30...
    I didn't use the dealer, and will likely not for most stuff, as they are
    not all that close, are a bit pricey, and are very difficult to get
    convenient appointments with. On the other hand, had I used a dealer, I
    probably wouldn't have had this problem... ;-)

    The oil change place (A Valvoline Instant Oil Change, which is the best
    around these parts usually) will be fixing it Tuesday. They offerred
    sincere apologies...

    Thanks for the help!

    Joseph M. LaVigne

    http://www.thelavignefamily.us/MyPipePages/ - 9/3/2006 1:21:29 AM
    Tobacconist Brick and Mortar Database: http://bam.tobaccocellar.org/

    My girlfriend always laughs during sex - no matter what she's reading.
    --Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computers
    Joe LaVigne, Sep 3, 2006
  14. Joe LaVigne

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    I thought it was an excellent use of sarcasm... ;-)

    Yes, it says 5w-30 on it...
    The 2005 Si was, respectfully, a dog. The engine in the 06 is much better,
    and more demanding, I think, thus the recommendation of 30, I assume. I am
    not, however, a mechanic. I know enough to keep a car running well, and
    can repair most basic problems, but I am no expert...
    Done it... Actually read through it when I got the car, and made notes of
    noteables... ;-)

    Joseph M. LaVigne

    http://www.thelavignefamily.us/MyPipePages/ - 9/3/2006 1:24:49 AM
    Tobacconist Brick and Mortar Database: http://bam.tobaccocellar.org/
    I don't have all the answers. I haven't yet heard all the questions...
    Joe LaVigne, Sep 3, 2006
  15. Joe LaVigne

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    IIANM, the 06 Si uses almost the same engine as the 05 RSX. It is tweaked
    some, and gets slightly better performance, but a picture of the engine is
    damned near a carbon copy of what's under my hood...

    Joseph M. LaVigne

    http://www.thelavignefamily.us/MyPipePages/ - 9/3/2006 1:27:48 AM
    Tobacconist Brick and Mortar Database: http://bam.tobaccocellar.org/

    Scarecrow (Ray Bolger): I haven't got a brain... only straw.
    Dorothy (Judy Garland): How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
    Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot
    of talking... don't they?
    Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.
    ~ "Wizard of Oz "
    Joe LaVigne, Sep 3, 2006
  16. Joe LaVigne

    Elle Guest

    Thanks for clarifying, Joe, and offering your opinion on the
    distinction between the '05 and '06 Sis, to help explain the
    difference in oil recommendations.
    Elle, Sep 3, 2006
  17. Joe LaVigne

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    No problem.

    And also, besides being a dog, the damned gear shifter was in a funny
    place... ;-)

    Joseph M. LaVigne

    http://www.thelavignefamily.us/MyPipePages/ - 9/3/2006 1:44:37 AM
    Tobacconist Brick and Mortar Database: http://bam.tobaccocellar.org/

    I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something
    about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is
    purely destructive. We've created life in our own image.
    --Stephen Hawking
    Joe LaVigne, Sep 3, 2006
  18. Joe LaVigne

    John Horner Guest

    Joe LaVigne wrote:

    Ah, that explains it. They probably just looked up Honda Civic in the
    book or computer and it said to use 5W-20. I'm not surprised that a
    quick lube place missed the Si nuance.

    Personally I would much rather do my own oil changes than trust the
    quick lube types, but to each their own.

    John Horner, Sep 4, 2006
  19. Joe LaVigne

    John Horner Guest

    I suspect you are right. Honda makes many variations on it's basic
    designs and seems to specify 5W-30 for the higher performance versions.

    John Horner, Sep 4, 2006
  20. Joe LaVigne

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    I generally watch them very closely, but I was distracted with the kids
    when he was filling the oil. Caught it on the receipt...

    I don't do oil changes anymore. For what it costs to get them done, it
    isn't worth rolling on the cold ground, especially in Buffalo, where only
    1-2 changes a year would be in nice weather...

    Joseph M. LaVigne

    http://www.thelavignefamily.us/MyPipePages/ - 9/4/2006 1:02:55 AM
    Tobacconist Brick and Mortar Database: http://bam.tobaccocellar.org/
    "My advice is to treat your pipe like your pecker. Keep it clean, don't
    work it to death, rest and polish it every once in a while."

    -- Robert Crim, alt.smokers.pipes
    Joe LaVigne, Sep 4, 2006
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