Oil Filter from San Leandro Honda?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Elle, Apr 25, 2005.

  1. Elle

    Elle Guest

    I am probably going to order a few oil filters (and a buncha crush washers
    and any other little thing I can think of) online from San Leandro Honda
    soon. Its site lists the following three choices for my 1991 Civic:

    FILTER SET, OIL (TOYO) $4.78
    FILTER, OIL (TOYO) $5.20

    Does anyone have a preference?

    Aside: For this mail order Honda parts purchase, I'm going with
    www.slhonda.com because its shipping/handling cost appears way more
    competitive than Majestic's, though SL Honda's parts costs seem just a
    little higher, on average. SL Honda's web site seems to be working better
    than a year ago, when I last considered ordering from it.
    Elle, Apr 25, 2005
  2. Elle

    Elle Guest

    Oops. Just checked the drawing. It appears the "filter set" includes a
    wrench for the filter. I'll call and find out why the price for the set is
    less than the price for the Toyo filter by itself.
    Elle, Apr 25, 2005
  3. Elle

    Ron Guest

    The best filter is the Filtech. Check your local dealer, I can buy the
    filter for $5 (filtech) locally. The wrench is worth every penny, it is
    about $18 -order it.
    Ron, Apr 25, 2005
  4. Elle

    Elle Guest

    All right, thanks.
    I will, but I am not optimistic. They want IIRC 59 cents for the oil drain
    bolt crush washer.
    Looks like the usual cap wrench, of which I have a few sizes, already, so
    I'm not seeing this.

    SL Honda said they no longer sell the "filter set," anyway.
    Elle, Apr 25, 2005
  5. Elle

    MAT Guest


    I thought the collective response of the group as to the best OEM filter

    1. Toyo Riki
    2. Filtech
    3. Honda Spec'd FRAM
    MAT, Apr 25, 2005
  6. Elle

    SoCalMike Guest

    id probably list the $2 champion labs made walmart filter around #3 as well.
    SoCalMike, Apr 25, 2005
  7. Elle

    curiousity1 Guest

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    curiousity1, Apr 26, 2005
  8. I will, but I am not optimistic. They want IIRC 59 cents for the oil
    You might want to look at the washer for different models. AFAICT
    they're all
    the same size (14mm) and do the same thing. For my 1989 Accord SE-i, I
    paid 22c each for the washers from SL-honda.

    As a sidenote, the SL honda guys are pretty good. I live close by and
    are kind enough to hold my stuff at will-call to save on shipping
    charges. Also,
    a few times when I've bought larger quantities of parts/fluids, they
    usually do
    some nice little discount or throw in something for free (in my
    experience, at

    - Justin
    justinreigle (at) gmail (dot) com, May 3, 2005
  9. Elle

    Elle Guest

    I don't think the dealer will charge a different price for the "newer" 14 mm
    crush washer, so I don't follow your thinking here.
    My parts arrived a few hours less than seven days after my online order. I
    used UPS ground. I am quite pleased with the timeframe and SL Honda's online
    quasi-tracking feature. (The SL site says when the order was shipped.)

    I live over a thousand miles from San Leandro, so I have to have my stuff
    Alas, not this time.

    I ordered two Filtech filters and one Toyo filter, to see if they were
    different. They are the same price at SL Honda. The three SL Honda shipped
    are identical. Dunno if that means Filtech and Toyo are the same company, as
    I think I've seen suggested on the net.

    These OEM filters are tiny in diameter, though. I assume I have the correct
    ones and will compare their heads to some generic ones today at Wal-Mart,
    "spec'd" for Honda. I have to find a cap wrench to fit them, as neither of
    the two sizes of small cap wrenches I have fit. I don't think this will be a
    problem, but just a heads up to others, for the archives.
    Elle, May 4, 2005
  10. Elle

    SoCalMike Guest

    i gave up on cap wrenches. theyre nice if you stick with identical
    filters. ive found the "pliers-style" oil filter wrench from harbor
    freight works on just about anything.
    SoCalMike, May 5, 2005
  11. Elle

    Elle Guest

    Yeahbut now I have three laying around that fit the various brands of 91
    Honda Civic acceptable oil filters...

    Wal-Mart had a perfect cap wrench for my new OEM filters for three dollars.

    Maybe when I get my Honda Jazz, Toyota Echo, or Scion I'll check out what
    Harbor Freight has. (Aside: The staff of a new Honda dealership near me have
    never heard of the Jazz.)
    Elle, May 5, 2005
  12. Elle

    SoCalMike Guest

    cool thing about the echo/scion 1.5l engine is that the oil filter is at
    the bottom front. to change the filter on my moms scion, i just lay down
    on the driveway, reach my hand behind the bumper, and twist it off with
    a gloved hand. no tools needed at all! and since its low and toward the
    front, oil doesnt drip down (name your favorite place):

    a)your arms
    b)the engine block
    c)the exhaust pipe/manifold
    SoCalMike, May 5, 2005
  13. Elle

    y_p_w Guest

    The only problem is the possibility that a rock can damage a filter,
    which isn't as "robust" as other components on the underside. My
    latest car is a WRX, and it's just as easy once the underspoiler
    is removed, but when attached, it will protect the filter against

    I remember the pain in the butt that was my '95 Integra GS-R oil
    change. I didn't have jack stands, so I did it halfway between
    the garage and an inclined driveway. If I parked it just right,
    I could slip in between a little triangular opening. Of course
    I used wheel chocks. Then I used aluminum foil to make a custom
    funnel to route oil past the left front axle and CV boot. The
    perfect cap tool for the OEM filter (15400-PR3-014/15400-P0H-
    305/etc) was a Flotool Graphite #3. However - once the filter
    was spun off, there was no clearance to pull off the cap, since
    the oil cooler took an additional 3/4" of space. I'd remove the
    cap once the filter was off.

    Of course my WRX has its own set of problems, like almost no
    source for a proper cap wrench for the 67mm OEM filter, and limited
    clearance around the filter to use my claw or band wrench. But
    once the filter is off it doesn't spill everywhere.
    y_p_w, May 5, 2005
  14. Elle

    MAT Guest

    Yeah changing the oil filter on the smaller Honda enigines is a PITA with
    the filter high on the back of the block. Now I pop off the front driver
    tire after I drain the pan which makes accessing the filter and reinstalling
    the drain plug a lot easier. Dirty oil going up your sleeve and landing in
    your armpit hair is just nasty!
    MAT, May 5, 2005
  15. Elle

    MAT Guest

    Edit: remove the front *passenger* tire
    MAT, May 5, 2005
  16. Elle

    t Guest

    My 2 cents.
    Filter wrench is good as long as they don't change the filter on you which
    is what happened to me and now I have a useless oil filter wrench (used only
    twice). Now I just use my hand to hand loose and hand tighten. works
    everytime. the civic is easy to get to. the crv is a different story.

    isn't the honda brand oil filter ~$5?
    t, May 7, 2005
  17. Elle

    Elle Guest

    The Honda brand oil filter goes for $5.20 (not including shipping/handling)
    at SL Honda. It is $6.50 at my nearest dealer's.

    I paid $3 for a filter wrench at Wal-Mart. Now I have three, each of which
    fits different brands of filters (e.g. K-Mart's generic; Fram; Shell's top
    of the line) that fit my 91 Civic. I had a few more filter wrenches before
    this, for the other cars in my life.

    Three bucks isn't enough to raise my ire. From my collection acquired since
    I bought the car, I doubt now I'll ever have to buy another wrench. (I also
    own a "crusher" wrench, a last resort wrench should the old filter become
    too tight over time. Saved me twice over 14 years.)

    I tried to go the 3/4 turn on my latest filter by hand and could not do it.
    I am a woman; small hands; have to lie on my back under the car with my nose
    nearly touching the exhaust pipe and my arm kind of weaved between
    components to get a hand on the filter.

    I did notice the OEM filters have a torque spec on them: 10-14 Newton
    Meters, or about 7.4 to 10 foot-lbs, which based on my torquing experience,
    isn't much, so I can completely believe hand torquing can achieve the 3/4
    turn and approx. 7-10 ft-lbs.
    Elle, May 7, 2005
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