oil in high milage car

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Eddie G, Jun 28, 2006.

  1. Eddie G

    Eddie G Guest

    My wife's Accord as 90,700 miles on it. When we get the oil changed
    what kind should we get? We get it changed every 3k/3months
    religiously but for the last year or so I have been using the premium
    oil. Should I save my money and use regular, continue the premium, or
    use the high milage oil?


    Eddie G
    Eddie G, Jun 28, 2006
  2. Eddie G

    TeGGeR® Guest

    What year is this Accord? Makes a difference.

    What's "premium" oil? What brand? What viscosity?

    And 90K is hardly "high-mileage", regardless of what the oil marketers
    would like you to believe. I have almost 270K. *That's* more like "high-
    TeGGeR®, Jun 28, 2006
  3. Eddie G

    Eddie G Guest

    It's a 99.
    Penzoil premium...don't recall the viscosity...whatever is
    reccomended...5w30 maybe?
    Eddie G, Jun 28, 2006
  4. Eddie G

    ACAR Guest

    maybe this will help you

    If you change your oil religiously every 3k/3 mo. you're in great shape
    so long as you use the proper API service level and a viscosity at
    least close to the manufacturer's specification. I put 5W-30 weight oil
    with and API SM rating into my 99 Accord.
    ACAR, Jun 28, 2006
  5. Eddie G

    Elle Guest

    Save the money. Pennzoil regular 5W30 is fine for the life
    of your car, with the one caveat below about oil weight.
    5W30 is the only oil my 91 Civic (178k miles) has ever used.
    Pennzoil is considered a high grade oil in many people's
    estimation, from my reading.

    Tegger is correct that your car is not "high mileage." High
    mileage to me starts around 180k miles. Even if it were, the
    claims of high mileage oil sellers are dubious.

    5W30 is what's specified in your owner's manual, generally:
    "An oil with a viscosity of 5W-30 is preferred for improved
    fuel economy and year-round protection in your Honda. You
    may use a 10W-30 oil if the temperature in your area never
    goes below 20°F( - 7°C)."

    Also, unless your car is driven under severe conditions,
    following the 99 Accord's maintenance schedule oil change
    interval of 7500 miles, one year (whichever comes first) is
    fine. That's Honda talking. Plenty of people follow this
    routine, and their cars are fine.

    Re Severe Conditions, from your owner's manual:
    --- Start excerpt from owner's manual---
    U.S. Owners
    Follow the Severe Conditions Maintenance Schedule if you
    drive your vehicle MAINLY under one or more of the following
    -- Driving less than 5 miles (8 km) per trip or, in freezing
    temperatures, driving less than 10 miles (16 km) per trip.
    -- Driving in extremely hot [over 90°F (32°C)] conditions.
    -- Extensive idling or long periods of stop-and-go driving.
    -- Trailer towing, driving with a roof top carrier, or
    driving in mountainous conditions.
    -- Driving on muddy, dusty, or de-iced roads.
    -----End excerpt---

    So see if you drive under "normal conditions" and maybe save
    more money by increasing the interval. If 7500 makes you
    nervous, consider 5000 miles/6 months. That's what I'm
    currently doing.

    If you have anyone other than the dealer do the oil changes,
    buy a supply of oil pan crush washers at the dealer's and
    give them to the whoever changes your oil, with instructions
    to please replace the old crush washer. This will maximize
    the life of your oil drain plug's and oil pan's threads.
    Elle, Jun 28, 2006
  6. Eddie G

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Use 5W-30.

    Yep. Pretty much any brand is OK. Just change it lots, and use an OEM
    TeGGeR®, Jun 28, 2006
  7. Eddie G

    SoCalMike Guest

    whats "premium"? mobil1?

    if it doesnt burn or leak any between changes, keep doin what youre
    doing, but you can probably extend it to every 5k miles.

    id consider the high mileage formula if youre burning or leaking, to see
    if it makes a difference.
    SoCalMike, Jun 28, 2006
  8. Eddie G

    jim beam Guest

    that's fine. make sure you stick with a high quality brand of oil. i
    tried motorcraft in my civic and the seals leaked like sieves. changed
    back to castrol, it stopped leaking again.
    jim beam, Jun 29, 2006
  9. Eddie G

    Earle Horton Guest

    90,700 miles is hardly "high mileage" on an Accord. I would recommend
    looking at your driving habits, to see whether 3k/3months is really
    necessary. Unless you experience "severe operating conditions" I'll bet you
    could go 5k without hurting anything. I go 5k/6 months on my 1999 Civic, it
    has 80k miles, the oil stays clear, and there isn't a sign of a leak or so
    much as a puff of smoke.

    However, when I fire it up, I drive 50 miles to the grocery store. No short
    trips for me.

    Earle Horton, Jun 29, 2006
  10. Get one that conforms to the recommendation in the owners manual. If it was
    my money, I would not spend it on so called 'premium' oils. Especially since
    you are changing it very regularly.
    Alex Rodriguez, Jun 29, 2006
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