Oil Level

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by toot, Oct 13, 2003.

  1. toot

    toot Guest

    2002 Accord LX 2.3L 4 cylinder

    Had oil change, and oil level is .5 inch over upper mark, after car
    sitting for 1/2 hour or so.

    Is this cause for concern? Should I have it drained slightly?
    toot, Oct 13, 2003
  2. Obviously it's not right and might cause trouble later. Yes, have it
    drained back or DIY.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Oct 14, 2003
  3. toot

    Paul Kim Guest

    I've noticed that many service technicians at the DEALERS put in too much
    oil...you'd think they would know how much to put in...

    In fact, out of 5 dealers, only one put in the correct amount of oil EVER.
    Paul Kim, Oct 14, 2003
  4. toot

    SLJ Guest

    I know my 94 2.2 SOHC vTec F22B requires about 4.5 litters of oil with oil
    filter change.
    SLJ, Oct 14, 2003
  5. toot

    Pete Guest

    Half an inch over Max on a smaller engine like this is significant, IMO. I
    would drain the excess ASAP.


    Pete, Oct 14, 2003

  6. To elaborate on what CAN happen if you don't fill properly: the
    crankshaft will whip that excess oil into a sort of froth. If you've
    ever tried sucking foam through a straw you know how well that works,
    and that is the same thing your oil pump will be trying to do. Your
    engine won't get lubricated, and that's A Bad Thing.
    Franz Bestuchev, Oct 14, 2003
  7. toot

    Paul Bielec Guest

    Obviously it's not right and might cause trouble later. Yes, have it

    Out of curiosity, what do you think is a best way to check the oil level?
    I mean, the level on the stick will obviously vary depending if the engine
    hot or cold, if it was sitting for several hourse or has just been stopped.
    Paul Bielec, Oct 14, 2003
  8. toot

    redeyedevil Guest

    Not from George...

    I don't think it really matters. That's why the dipstick has a range to it.
    Not a problem, unless you are at the top of the range when it is cold or at
    the bottom when hot.
    redeyedevil, Oct 14, 2003
  9. and make sure your car isn't on a 10% grade ;)
    Franz Bestuchev, Oct 14, 2003
  10. toot

    toot Guest


    That was my problem that led to this post...a very small grade tilted
    slightly toward the drivers side. I put car in garage (level surface),
    and the oil level is perfect!
    Thanks to all reponders.
    toot, Oct 14, 2003
  11. toot

    Andrew Guest

    But I wonder exactly how much margin for error there is for
    particular engines. If I knew I could safely run with an extra
    quart, I might do it on the theory that it's good to have the
    oil spend a little extra time in the pan cooling.

    Andrew, Oct 14, 2003
  12. I really don't see much difference hot or cold. If the oil is still hot,
    there could be undrained oil left in the upper chambers of the engine.
    Personally I check it cold because you always get the same reading and I
    usually figure just slightly below the max mark on the dipstick.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Oct 15, 2003
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