oil usage in a 2003 Honda Accord EX V6

Discussion in 'Accord' started by rebeangoesmx, Sep 21, 2007.

  1. rebeangoesmx

    rebeangoesmx Guest

    I have a 2003 Honda Accord EX V6 with 60k miles on it. I change my
    oil every 3000 miles and recently it has been using a lot of oil. It
    used 4 quarts in 3000 miles and it just recently started to do
    this!!!! I have taken it to my mechanic and he sees no visible leaks
    or problems. I have taken it to two Honda dealerships and both see no
    leaks and no obvious problems. I am now on an oil consumption test
    where they check my oil every 500 miles to monitor the oil usage and
    have back-up when they file a claim with Honda. Does anyone have any
    suggestions as to why this is happening?

    Many Thanks,
    rebeangoesmx, Sep 21, 2007
  2. rebeangoesmx

    Dick Guest

    I will be interested to see where this goes. I also have a 2003 EX V6
    with 60K miles on it. Doesn't use any apparent oil between 3,000 mile
    changes (Obviously it has to use some.) Back in the old days one of
    the first things to check would be for a punctured diaphram in the
    fuel pump. With an electric pump it can't be that. If there are no
    visible leaks it must be going out with the gas during combustion. Do
    you see an oily film at the exhaust pipe tips?

    Dick, Sep 21, 2007
  3. rebeangoesmx

    Al Guest

    what brand and weight oil and what brand filter have you been using
    every 3000 miles?
    Al, Sep 21, 2007
  4. electric pump??
    loewent via CarKB.com, Sep 21, 2007
  5. rebeangoesmx

    Tegger Guest

    wrote in @q5g2000prf.googlegroups.com:

    Has anybody done these tests?:
    1) Compression test
    2) Cylinder leakdown test
    3) Oil pressure check

    All tests done at operating temperature.

    These will give you an excellent idea of the general condition of the

    Did you buy this thing used?
    Tegger, Sep 21, 2007
  6. rebeangoesmx

    jim beam Guest

    sounds like a cracked ring. be careful of the dealer in case they're
    trying to run out the clock on the warranty.
    jim beam, Sep 21, 2007

  7. Sorta sounds like maybe a broken ring...


    (Who has a long tale of woe regarding...............)
    Grumpy AuContraire, Sep 21, 2007
  8. rebeangoesmx

    motsco_ Guest


    PCV stuck open / broken spring will suck your oil out and burn it
    invisibly inside the cat. Have you ever changed it, and was it an OEM one?

    motsco_, Sep 21, 2007
  9. rebeangoesmx

    Dano58 Guest

    Really? Did not know that - is this just modern cats? Reason I ask is
    that my '76 MGB (which is equipped with a cat) has a broken ring and
    spewed blue smoke out the tailpipe as a result.

    Dan D
    '07 Ody EX
    Central NJ USA
    Dano58, Sep 21, 2007
  10. rebeangoesmx

    MLD Guest

    My daughter had a Civic, 55,000 mi, that started using 3 qts of oil every
    150-200 mi. Even though out of warranty Honda authorized "do what it takes
    to find the cause". Took quite a bit of a teardown to finally isolate the
    reason--one of the previous posters hit it right on the nose--broken/cracked
    (don't recall exactly) piston rings. End result her engine was basically
    "zero timed" after the subsequent engine overhaul . Minimal cost as this was
    an early Model and apparently Honda was concerned with "How many more out
    there are like this"
    MLD, Sep 21, 2007
  11. rebeangoesmx

    rebeangoesmx Guest

    Has she had any problems since or recurring issues?
    rebeangoesmx, Sep 21, 2007
  12. As did a broken ring(s) on my '82 Civic. Didn't smoke much at speed but
    idling at a traffic light would result in mosquito killing fog.

    Ventilation issues sure can be a culprit as well though...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Sep 22, 2007
  13. rebeangoesmx

    MLD Guest

    Car long gone now but the problem never recurred--oil usage dropped to
    essentially zero
    MLD, Sep 23, 2007
  14. rebeangoesmx

    Tony Harding Guest

    30 years ago? There's no comparison IMHO.
    Tony Harding, Oct 1, 2007
  15. rebeangoesmx

    rebeangoesmx Guest

    Update....Took my car to 1st dealership brought my immaculate service
    records and let them know how pissed I was and that I would be writing
    letters to the paper and going to a local t.v. network to get my
    problem heard if need be. They did a compression test and cylinder
    leak down test and still could not discover the problem. They had to
    call Honda Technicians and were told to remove the oil pan and push up
    the pistons to see if there was any cylinder damage. They found all 6
    cylinders were scratched, one severly and discovered my oiling rings
    were either not installed properly from day one or they all broke
    during 60,000 miles. Honda replaced my engine at no cost to me and
    provided me with a rental car. If anyone has problems like this be
    persistent and do not take that it is regular use or that a carbon got
    in your cylinder. This is a manufacturing problem and Honda needs to
    issue a recall to fix the problem. I believe Honda is being very
    quiet about this and doing replacement on a case by case basis when it
    seems to me and several other Honda owners that they are no longer
    behind the product they produce.
    rebeangoesmx, Oct 11, 2007
  16. rebeangoesmx

    ACAR Guest

    On Oct 11, 1:37 am, wrote:
    Honda handled their defective transmissions the same way; no recall,
    owners were at the mercy of their dealers. Once the number of failed
    transmissions grew large, it was hard for dealers to turn owners away.
    Your faulty oil rings and/or faulty assembly isn't yet a common
    problem AFAIK.

    Anyone else hear of similar issues re. oil burning or Honda replacing
    V6 engines?
    ACAR, Oct 11, 2007
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